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网络释义:铂族元素(Platinum Group Element);铂族元素(platinum group elements);前列腺素E



1.前列腺素岩铂族元素赋存状态分析  Analysis of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) Occurrence States in EMEI Basalt      作者姓名    来 ...

4.前列腺素E PGF 前列腺素F PGE 前列腺素E PHM partial hydatidiform mole 部份性葡萄胎 ...


1.China now plays Canada on Thursday at PGE Park, while Russia, the runner-up in group D, will play Germany.发稿时中国队正在俄勒冈州波特兰的PGE公园体育场(PGEPark)迎战加拿大队,亚军俄罗斯队将对战德国队。

2.Magmatic PGE sulfide deposit in melanocratic rock series is still one of the fundamental sources of PGE resources.暗色岩套中的硫化物PGE矿床仍然是目前PGE资源的主要来源之一。

3.The PGE shall report its conclusions to the panel within a time-pmit determined by the panel.PGE应在专家组确定的时限内向专家组报告其结论。

4.Cu-Ni sulphide deposit related to mafic-ulpamafic rocks is the main type of copper, nickel, platinum group elements(PGE) deposits.与镁铁-超镁铁质岩密切相关的铜镍硫化物矿床是铜、镍、铂族元素(PGE)资源的重要矿床类型。

5.On the Summary pge, selecting Finish will start the apppcation installation.在Summary页面,选择Finish将启动应用程序安装。

6.High PGE levels are associated with growth inhibition in children.高PGE水平与儿童生长抑制有关。

7.The inhibition of PGE_2 is additional analgesia mechanisms of lappaconitine.抑制PGE_2生成是高乌甲素镇痛机理的又一补充;

8.In this article, we summarized the roles of PGE(2) in bone resorptive metastatic model using B16 melanoma.在本文中,我们总结的作用,前列腺素E(2)在骨转移模型吸收利用B16黑色素瘤。

9.According to data obtained in recent 15 years, PGE abundances in the earth's crust, crustal rocks, and sediments are given in this paper.根据近15年来获得的大量的有关铂族元素含量的可靠数据,综合给出了铂族元素在地壳、岩石、土壤和沉积物中的丰度。

10.There is no uniform mineral geology database of Ni-Cu(PGE) sulfide deposit in China.中国镍铜铂族岩浆硫化物矿床矿产资源方面,全国尚无统一的矿产地质数据库。