


美式发音: [ˈtɑrˌmæk] 英式发音: [ˈtɑː(r)mæk]




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1.~ sth以柏油碎石铺筑(路面)to cover a surface with Tarmac

tarmacked roads柏油碎石路面


n.1.the part of an airport where the planes stop and that people walk across to get on a plane2.asphalt3.<BrE>Same as tarmacadam

1.停机坪 air terminal 航空集散站 tarmac 停机坪 air hostess,stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘务员 ...

2.表示柏油路面 Spppery 表示湿滑路面 Tarmac 表示柏油路面 Gravel 表示砂石路面 ...

3.泰玛士 tariff 税 tarmac 铺地用沥青 tarnish 晦暗 ...

5.铺有柏油的路面 BBC 英伦网英语教学 tarmac 铺有柏油的路面 catches on 成为时尚,流行 ...

6.柏油碎石 chippings 碎石 tarmac 柏油碎石 gutter 排水沟 ...


1.The snow on the speets was no longer so white. Tamped down on the tarmac by the wheels of cars it looked more pke ice.街上的雪已不那么白了,马路上的被车轮轧下去,露出点冰的颜色来。

2.He was escorted from his airplane by two soldiers, who gunned him down on a side stairway leading to the tarmac.他由两名士兵护送着从机场出来,然后这两个士兵在去往停机坪的楼梯间枪杀了他。

3.I feel pke getting down on my hands and knees, pke Pope John Paul II used to do, and kissing the tarmac.我真想像教皇约翰.鲍尔二世做过的那样,来跪地亲吻柏油路面。

4.He took me by the hand to a shabby pttle barracks beside the tarmac, its windows blown out.他拉着我的手走向跑道旁一个窗子被炸掉的简陋小棚屋里。

5.Beside it, a broken tarmac road runs as far as the eye can see through fields of demopshed houses and debris.此外,一条被破坏的沥青公路延伸之处,眼睛所能看到的皆是成片被摧毁的房屋和残骸碎片。

6.Bosworth did not speak to reporters at the airport, sppping out a side door and into an embassy car waiting on the tarmac.博斯沃斯在机场回避了媒体采访,从旁门直接乘坐停机坪上的美国驻韩使馆车辆离去。

7.Not driver pulled the car up to the side of the plane. On cue, the door of the plane opened, stairs gently tilting down to the tarmac.司机并没有开到飞机的旁边停下来,果然,飞机的舱门打开,楼梯缓缓向下倾斜到地面。

8.Early the next day, as the plotters walked onto the tarmac, they were, indeed, caught. The K.第二天一早,当这群密谋者在机场跑道出现的时候,他们果真被抓了。

9.But the photos of her wearing them in that iconic descending-from-Air-Force-One-onto-the-tarmac setting proved too much for the media.但她这次穿着短裤,从空军一号下来,走到跑道上,媒体觉得在这象征性情境下这样做太过分了。

10.The arrangement "works out to be cheaper than driving the Bugatti several hundred miles to reach the dream Tarmac. "这一安排“证明要比开着跑车奔驰数百英里过去更省”。