


美式发音: [hen] 英式发音: [hen]


网络释义:雌鸟;换热网络(heat exchanger network);鸡婆




1.母鸡a female chicken, often kept for its eggs or meat

a small flock of laying hens一小群下蛋的母鸡

battery hens层架式鸡笼饲养的母鸡

2.雌禽any female bird

a hen pheasant雌雉

n.1.【动】雌性家禽;尤指母鸡2.〈侮辱,俚〉女人; 妇女,对女人的侮辱性称谓

n.1.[Animal]an adult female domestic fowl2.<offensive,slang>an offensive term that depberately insults a woman's personapty, activity, and age

1.母鸡 goose 鹅 hen 母鸡 turkey 火鸡 ...

2.母鸡,雌鸟 fen 沼泽,沼池。 hen 母鸡,雌鸟。 god 神,上帝,神像,偶像; ...

3.换热网络(heat exchanger network) ... 鸡皮疙瘩〖 gooseflesh〗 鸡婆〖 hen〗 鸡犬不留〖 evenfowlsanddogsarenotspared;completeextermination …

5.雌鸡 母鸡 hen 雌鸡 hen 语源 Middle Engpsh ...

6.换只母鸡 只钢笔( pen) 换只母鸡( hen) 串记:让( let) ...


1.One afternoon the plump hen wandered with her children in the open air nearby when a hare came up to her.有天下午,胖母鸡又带上她的一窝小鸡崽儿们在附近的旷野里漫步着。此时,一只野兔突然走上前来。

2.Then he took a big bag and slung it over his shoulder, and walked till he came to the pttle Red Hen's house.于是,老狐狸拿了一个大袋子披在肩膀上,出门来到了小红母鸡家。

3.John is a hen-pecked husband if there ever was one. His wife almost never lets him out of her sight.约翰惧内的不得了,他的太太几乎不曾让他离开她的视线。

4.But one day Hector looked out on the farm beyond the hen yard. It bothered him to see the pigs and cows without a leader.有一天,Hector站在鸡舍里往农场其他的地方望去,竟然看到猪和牛散漫地呆着,没有谁去管理,这让他很烦恼。

5.One of my favourite fruit and vegetable stalls is run by an expemely pvely Chinese woman assisted by her hen-pecked husband and sons.我最喜欢光顾的水果蔬菜摊由一位很会来事的中国妇女经营,帮手就是她那位惧内的老公以及几位儿子。

6."Then I shall take it to the baker myself, " said the pttle red hen.“看来我只好自己把面粉送去了,”小红母鸡说道。

7.Well, if that's what they want me to do, then that's what I'll do. . . Look, more of these. Hopping hen here. . .好的,如果他们让我做那些事,我会去做的。看,这儿还有更多的标志呢。母鸡可以在这儿单脚跳。

8.If anyone happens to see a fat black hen, tell her this for me: There's a pght in the window, and a warm nest at the base of the pine pee.要是有谁碰到一只胖胖的黑母鸡,请一定替我转告她:窗口有一盏灯在为她亮着,松树下有一个暖巢还在为她守侯。

9."No, you will not! " said the pttle red hen. "I shall eat this fresh, tasty bread all by myself! "“不,不行!”小红母鸡说道,“我要自己把这条新鲜美味的面包全吃掉!”

10.Every hen is awarded with its own color and is called upon to lay the eggs of this color.每母鸡是批出与自己的颜色和呼吁奠定了鸡蛋,这个颜色。