




1.卢米埃尔 Cogsworth 葛士华 Lumiere 卢米亚 Mrs.Potts 茶煲太太 ...


5.卢米埃餐厅的前提条件,那就是必须有光线,也就是法国人所谓的"吕米埃尔" (lumiere)。

7.电影时光所在位置:九天音乐 > 橘儿 > 电影时光 (Lumiere) > 月亮河 (安迪威廉斯原唱/电影《第凡内早餐》插曲) > 歌词 歌曲:月亮 …


1.When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used.当卢米埃尔兄弟以及其他先驱们在展示他们的新发明时,他们决不知道它将会产生如此伟大的力量。

2.Lumiere: Master, allow me to explain. The gentleman was lost in the woods and he was cold and wet. . .吕米埃:主人,请允许我来解释。这位绅士在树林里迷了路,他浑身湿透了,感到很冷…

3.Elsewhere near the Seine, and even at a considerable distance from the river, as for instance, at Belleville, Grand-Rue and Lumiere Passage.别处,在靠近塞纳河处,甚至在离河还相当远的地方,比如在贝尔维尔、在大道和吕尼埃通道上。

4.Years later, Louis Lumiere was asked to become the first president of a film festival ---the Cannes film festival!十年后,路易斯·吕米埃被要求成为第一个国际电影节主席戛纳电影节———!

5.Lumiere: Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections.主人,我可能错了,不过那可能不是赢得那女孩儿感情的最好的办法。

6.Lumiere's last sentence is drowned out by the very loud growl of Beast. Lumiere looks down, dejected.吕米埃的最后一句话被野兽的咆哮声给淹没了。吕米埃低着头,不说话了。

7.INSIDER TRICK: Levin brushed Chanel Lift Lumiere foundation in Beige over Aniston's moisturized skin.内幕把戏:安吉拉用米色的香奈儿粉底(用于安妮斯顿的皮肤)。

8.Lumiere: Of course. I told you she would break the spell.吕米埃:当然。我跟你说过她会破除这个魔咒的。

9.Lumiere: You care for the girl, don't you?吕米埃:你很在乎她,没错吧?

10.Lumiere: No you didn't. I told you.吕米埃:没有,你没跟我说过。是我告诉你的。