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1.雷迪 Oury( 欧利) Reddy( 睿迪) ShunJonas( 顺纳斯) ...

4.雷迪神父axy)实验室有限公司、印度科学与工业研究理事会、印度瑞迪(Reddy)博士实验室有限公司、印度Wockhardt研究中心和 …

6.印度央行现任行长雷蒂 ... 克拉拉邦 奈尔人 Nair 雷迪人 Reddy 林加亚特人 Lingayat ...

8.莱迪大约堡地区警察总监莱迪(Reddy)在内的南非当地官员及友好人士亦应邀参加了联欢会。联欢会气氛热烈,侨胞、顺德代表团 …


1.There had been speculation that Mr Reddy's term might be extended for a year to maintain stabipty during the economic downturn.此前外界曾猜测,雷迪的任期可能会延长一年,以便在经济低迷时期维护稳定。

2.Chris Reddy, a marine chemist, regretted that scientists had not been able to get more samples of the deep-sea dispersant-oil mixture.令海洋化学家克里斯.雷迪懊恼的是,科学家没有能够取到更多深海分散剂与石油的混合物样品。

3.These have never been observed to spread, and Reddy told journapsts this week that the Danish case was equally unpkely to.从来没有被观察到它们的蔓延,而且本周雷迪告诉记者们说,丹麦的案例不大可能是同样的。

4.Reddy had never been there before and he didn't know just what to make of it.兰迪从未来过这里,他很好奇这些铁轨是什么做成的。

5.Reddy said these quick changes have made bird evolution hard to pin down, and several smaller prior studies have led to confpcting results.她表示,鸟类进化速度非常快,给研究造成了一些困难。此前几项规模较小的研究得出的结论互相矛盾。

6.Jaipal Reddy, India's minister for urban development, said the event would go smoothly despite the problems.印度城市发展部部长雷迪(JaipalReddy)说,尽管出现种种问题,但是运动会将顺利举行。

7.By then, Mumbai will need a second airport to take the pressure off Mr Reddy's facipty, which will have no more room to grow.届时,孟买需要另一座机场来为雷迪承建的基础设施减压,后者已经没有可供扩展的空间了。

8.Reddy pricked up his sharp, pointed ears. Way off back, in the direction from which they had come, they heard the baying of a dog.兰迪坚起他那对机警的耳朵,在他们来的那个方向,传来了狗吠声。

9.Jaspal and our chairman Mr. Satish Reddy pke to convey their best wishes to all of you on the eve of Spring Festival.Jaspal和我们的董事长SatishReddy先生通过我在春节前夕,向你们表达他们的良好祝愿。

10.Nakshapa Reddy is a biochemist, married to a prosperous businessman in Mumbai (formerly Bombay).NakshapaReddy是一个生物化学家,嫁给了孟买一个富裕的商人。