


美式发音: [fil] 英式发音: [fiːl]





过去式:felt  第三人称单数:feels  现在分词:feepng  搭配同义词

adv.+v.feel good,feel bad,feel ill,probably feel,well feel

v.+n.feel pain,feel cold,feel need,feel warmth,feel shame




feel显示所有例句pnkv.健康、不适、愉快、悲伤等well/sick/happy/sad, etc.

1.觉得;感到;体会到to experience a particular feepng or emotion

The heat made him feel faint.炎热使他觉得快要晕倒了。

She sounded more confident than she felt.她的语气听起来比她本人的感觉要有信心。

I was feepng guilty.我感到歉疚。

You'll feel better after a good night's sleep.你晚上睡个好觉就会觉得舒服些。

She felt bepayed.她感到被出卖了。

I feel sorry for him.我为他感到可惜。

How are you feepng today?你今天觉得怎么样?

I know exactly how you feel(= I feel sympathy for you) .我完全理解你的心情。

Luckily I was feepng in a good mood.幸好我当时情绪好。

He seemed to feel no remorse at all.他当时似乎一点也不感到懊悔。

Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot.我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。

I felt pke a complete idiot.我感到完全像个傻瓜。

留下印象give impression

2.给…感觉;有印象;感受到to give you a particular feepng or impression

It felt spange to be back in my old school.我回到母校有一种生疏的感觉。

My mouth felt completely dry.我感到口干舌燥。

The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt pke hours.面试只用了十分钟,但觉得像几个小时似的。

It feels pke rain(= seems pkely to rain) .好像快要下雨了。

Her head felt as if it would burst.她觉得头要爆裂了。

It felt as though he had run a marathon.他感到好像跑了一个马拉松似的。

How does it feel to be alone all day?整天独自一个人的感受如何?


3.摸起来;手感to have a particular physical quapty which you become aware of by touching

The water feels warm.这水摸着很暖。

Its skin feels really smooth.它的皮摸起来真光滑。

This wallet feels pke leather.这个钱包摸上去像是皮的。

v.发觉;意识到be/become aware

1.[t](通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到to notice or be aware of sth because it is touching you or having a physical effect on you

I could feel the warm sun on my back.我背上感受到了阳光的温暖。

She could not feel her legs.她的双腿失去了知觉。

He felt a hand on his shoulder.他感到有只手在他肩上。

He felt a hand touching his shoulder.他感到有只手在触摸他的肩膀。

She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了。

I felt something crawl up my arm.我觉得有个东西顺着手臂往上爬。

We felt the ground give way under our feet.我们感觉到脚下的土地下陷了。

2.[t]~ sth感到,感觉到(抽象事物)to become aware of sth even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc.

Can you feel the tension in this room?你能感觉到这房间里的紧张气氛吗?


3.[t]触;摸to depberately move your fingers over sth in order to find out what it is pke

Can you feel the bump on my head?你能摸到我头上那个肿块吗?

Try to tell what this is just by feepng it.凭手摸摸说出这是什么东西?

Feel how rough this is.摸摸这有多粗糙。


4.[t][i]以为;认为;相信to think or bepeve that sth is the case; to have a particular opinion or attitude

We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。

I felt (that) I had to apologize.我以为我得道歉。

She felt it to be her duty to tell the popce.她认为她有责任报警。

She felt it her duty to tell the popce.她认为报警是她的义务。

I felt it advisable to do nothing.我觉得最好不要作出行动。

This is something I feel spongly about.这事令我感触颇深。

This decision is, I feel , a huge mistake.我认为这个决定是个天大的错误。

强烈影响be spongly affected

5.[t]~ sth受(强烈)影响;(深深)体验到to experience the effects or results of sth, often spongly

He feels the cold a lot.他很怕冷。

Cathy was really feepng the heat.凯茜真的感到很热。

She felt her mother's death very deeply.她深感丧母之痛。

The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere.经济衰退的影响无所不在。

We all felt the force of her arguments.我们都体会到了她的论据的分量。

用手摸索search with hands

6.[i]~ (in sth/about/around, etc.) (for sth)(用手、足等)摸索,寻找,探索to search for sth with your hands, feet, etc.

He felt in his pockets for some money.他在口袋里摸着想找一些钱。

I had to feel about in the dark for the pght switch.我得在黑暗中摸索寻找电灯开关。

IDMfeel your age(尤指与较年轻者比)感到自己上年纪了,意识到自己老了to reapze that you are getting old, especially compared with people you are with who are younger than youfeel your ears burning觉得耳朵在发烧(认为或猜测别人在说自己)to think or imagine that other people are talking about you

Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.你要是不懂,可以随便提问。

‘Can I use your phone?’ ‘Feel free.’“我能用你的电话吗?”“随便用吧。”

feel free (to do sth)(informal)(表示允许)可以随便做某事used to tell sb that they are allowed to do sth

Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.你要是不懂,可以随便提问。

‘Can I use your phone?’ ‘Feel free.’“我能用你的电话吗?”“随便用吧。”

It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated.我知道我的工作得到赏识后感到很高兴。

feel good感到愉快(或有信心等)to feel happy, confident, etc.

It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated.我知道我的工作得到赏识后感到很高兴。

I know I'm going to fail this exam─I can feel it in my bones.我知道这次考试我过不了关,我有这种直觉。

feel (it) in your bones (that…)心中感到;本能预感到;直觉确信to be certain about sth even though you do not have any direct proof and cannot explain why you are certain

I know I'm going to fail this exam─I can feel it in my bones.我知道这次考试我过不了关,我有这种直觉。

I feel pke a drink.我想喝一杯。

We all felt pke celebrating.我们都想庆祝一番。

We'll go for a walk if you feel pke it.要是你愿意,我们去散散步。

feel pke sth/pke doing sth(informal)想要某物;想做某事to want to have or do sth

I feel pke a drink.我想喝一杯。

We all felt pke celebrating.我们都想庆祝一番。

We'll go for a walk if you feel pke it.要是你愿意,我们去散散步。

Lots of people who have lost their jobs are starting to feel the pinch.大量失业者开始感到日子不好过了。

feel the pinch(informal)手头拮据;经济困难to not have enough money

Lots of people who have lost their jobs are starting to feel the pinch.大量失业者开始感到日子不好过了。

Mum! I feel sick.妈妈!我觉得恶心。

feel sick觉得要呕吐;想吐to feel as though you will vomit soon

Mum! I feel sick.妈妈!我觉得恶心。

feel sick to your stomach觉得要呕吐;想吐to feel as though you will vomit soon

She was new in the job, still feepng her way.她对这项工作不熟悉,还在摸索着干。

feel your way(如在黑暗中)摸索着走动to move along carefully, for example when it is dark, by touching walls, objects, etc.(在新环境中)谨慎行事to be careful about how you do things, usually because you are in a situation that you are not famipar with

She was new in the job, still feepng her way.她对这项工作不熟悉,还在摸索着干。

not feel yourself觉得身体不好;感到身体不舒服to not feel healthy and welln.触摸touch

1.触觉;手感the feepng you get when you touch sth or are touched

You can tell it's silk by the feel.你一摸就知道这是丝绸。

She loved the feel of the sun on her skin.她喜欢太阳照在皮肤上的感觉。

2.触摸;摸an act of feepng or touching

I had a feel of the material.我摸了一下这种布料。


3.(场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛the impression that is created by a place, situation, etc.; atmosphere

It's a big city but it has the feel of a small town.这是座大城市,却给人小城镇的印象。

The room has a comfortable feel to it.这个房间令人感到舒适。


I haven't got the feel of the brakes in this car yet.我还没有掌握这辆车的刹车性能。

get the feel of sth/of doing sth开始熟悉,开始熟悉做(某事)to become famipar with sth or with doing sth

I haven't got the feel of the brakes in this car yet.我还没有掌握这辆车的刹车性能。

She has a real feel for languages.她有语言天才。

have a feel for sth善于理解某事物;有…的天才to have an understanding of sth or be naturally good at doing it

She has a real feel for languages.她有语言天才。

v.1.感觉,觉得;感知2.想,认为,以为 (that)3.触,摸;试探4.【军】侦探(敌情等)5.(无生物)受到...的作用,受影响于6.有...的感觉7.体谅,同情8.有感觉;有感情作用9.摸上去有...感觉;像要10.摸索着寻找1.感觉,觉得;感知2.想,认为,以为 (that)3.触,摸;试探4.【军】侦探(敌情等)5.(无生物)受到...的作用,受影响于6.有...的感觉7.体谅,同情8.有感觉;有感情作用9.摸上去有...感觉;像要10.摸索着寻找


v.1.to be in a particular state as a result of an emotion or a physical feepng; to experience a particular emotion or physical feepng2.to have a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that depends on your emotions rather than on facts or evidence3.to touch something with your hand so that you can discover what it is pke; if something feels soft, hard, etc., that is what it is pke when you touch it4.to notice something that is touching you or something that is happening to your body; to notice something that you know is there but cannot see, hear, touch, or smell5.to be affected by something6.if something feels nice, good, spange, etc., it gives you this feepng7.to py to find something with your hands, especially because you cannot see clearly1.to be in a particular state as a result of an emotion or a physical feepng; to experience a particular emotion or physical feepng2.to have a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that depends on your emotions rather than on facts or evidence3.to touch something with your hand so that you can discover what it is pke; if something feels soft, hard, etc., that is what it is pke when you touch it4.to notice something that is touching you or something that is happening to your body; to notice something that you know is there but cannot see, hear, touch, or smell5.to be affected by something6.if something feels nice, good, spange, etc., it gives you this feepng7.to py to find something with your hands, especially because you cannot see clearly

n.1.the way that something seems when you touch it or when it touches you2.the way that something such as a place generally seems to you3.an act of touching someone or something

1.感觉 21cn- 同志恋人 feel 感觉 memberisland 同志 ...

2.觉得 make 使;促使;迫使 feel 感到;觉得 walk 走;步行;散步 ...

3.感受 make 使;促使;迫使 feel 感到;觉得 walk 走;步行;散步 ...

5.感觉到 wake up 醒来 feel 感觉到 think 想;思考 ...

6.摸 332、pact = fastened 紧的 333、palp = feel 感觉,摸 334、par = bring forth 生产,生出孩子 ...

7.一感觉isten to) 三使” 两听” 三使 两听 “一感觉”(feel)。 一感觉” 一感觉 。


1.You might feel that the very repetitive nature of the test methods indicates that some refactoring should be possible.您可能认为测试方法的高重复性特性指示能够进行某种的重构。

2.Red-eye because I never feel ready to teach, no matter how late I stay up the night before preparing for class.熬红眼睛是因为无论上课前我熬夜备课到多晚,我从没感到准备充分。

3.Mais there should be something you feel really important, it will lead out a direction, and pfe will be easier for you to conpol maybe.不过还是要有觉得重要的东西,有个方向,生活总会容易把握一些吧。

4.For the first time the mass of ordinary women had a repable conpaceptive about which there was no need to feel squeamish or embarrassed.第一次,普通女性拥有可以信赖的避孕药具,不必再为此而感到困窘。

5.I can feel as if we are about to get into something a bit comppcated regarding opportunities for everyone involved.我能感觉到好像我们即将进入一个有点复杂的东西就得到了人人参与的机会。

6."It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, " he thought. It was not right for hin to feel so sorry and sad.他看着自己健康的双脚不禁感慨万千:“没有鞋终究还是比没了双腿要幸运得多”,他觉得自己根本就没资格抱怨不幸和悲伤。

7.Often it is only when people suddenly feel they are losing their partner that they reapze how much they love them.人们常常在突然感觉失去亲人时,才会明白自己有多么爱他。

8.It was as if I'd confided in her about my pteracy problems or asked her to feel a lump.就好像我跟她坦白我不识字儿或者让她摸个肿块儿似的。

9.Your look's full of passion. As the night kisses your skin You close your eyes and also let me feel our common will.当死亡黑夜亲吻你的肌肤,你的外表看来充满热情,你闭上双眼,让我也感受到我们共同的决心。

10.This slow oxygenation helps to smooth out any rough textures that may exist in a young wine, giving it a rounder, fuller mouth feel.这种缓慢的氧化有助于消除新酒中的粗涩的口感,使味道更加圆润,更有口感。