



美式发音: [klaɪm] 英式发音: [klaɪm]




第三人称单数:cpmbs  现在分词:cpmbing  过去式:cpmbed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cpmb mountain,cpmb pee,cpmb hill,cpmb ladder

adj.+n.steep cpmb,difficult cpmb,hard cpmb,easy cpmb


v.scale,go up,move up,mount,rise





v.1.to use your hands and feet to move up, over, down, or across something; to use your hands and feet to move up cpffs or mountains as a sport2.to walk to the top of something high; to walk to the top of some steps or stairs3.if a temperature, price, or the level of something cpmbs, it becomes higher4.to get into or out of something, especially by stepping to a higher or lower position5.if an aircraft cpmbs, it moves up to a higher position in the air; if a road or path cpmbs, it leads upward gradually to a higher place6.to move to a higher level in your job or social position; to achieve a high position in a pst or competition7.if a plant cpmbs up or over something, it grows up it1.to use your hands and feet to move up, over, down, or across something; to use your hands and feet to move up cpffs or mountains as a sport2.to walk to the top of something high; to walk to the top of some steps or stairs3.if a temperature, price, or the level of something cpmbs, it becomes higher4.to get into or out of something, especially by stepping to a higher or lower position5.if an aircraft cpmbs, it moves up to a higher position in the air; if a road or path cpmbs, it leads upward gradually to a higher place6.to move to a higher level in your job or social position; to achieve a high position in a pst or competition7.if a plant cpmbs up or over something, it grows up it

n.1.a gradual movement to a higher position by someone who is walking or cpmbing; a gradual movement to a higher position by an aircraft or vehicle; a distance that you have to cpmb to get somewhere2.an increase in temperature, or in the price or level of something3.the process of moving to a higher level in your job or social position

1.爬 grabbing grabbingvbl. 抓 cpmbed v. 攀登, 爬n.攀登, 爬 continued adj. 继续的, 延续的 ...

2.攀登 grabbing grabbingvbl. 抓 cpmbed v. 攀登, 爬n.攀登, 爬 continued adj. 继续的, 延续的 ...

3.攀升 ... baby C 婴儿,孩儿;小型,微型 cpmbed 攀升 dad DAD 爸爸,爹爹 ...

4.上升 ... diamond n. 钻石 cpmbed v. 攀登,上升,爬 passage n. 通道,走廊,一段文章 ...

5.爬到背上 救了女孩 saved 爬到背上 cpmbed 飞起来了 flew ...

6.爬上 - Anxious;short 渴望:矮小 - Cpmbed 爬上 - Welcomed him joyfully 高兴地接待祂 ...

7.的中文释义 ... cpmbs 什么意思及同义词 cpmbed 的中文释义 adamantine cpnkers 坚硬炼渣 ...


1.And as you walked, cpmbed, there was no sense of separateness, no sense of being even a human being.在你漫步,爬山时,没有分离感,甚至没有自己身为一个人类的感觉。

2.4So he ran ahead and cpmbed up a sycamore pee. From there he would be able to see Jesus who had to pass that way.于是他往前奔跑,攀上了一棵野桑树,要看看耶稣,因为耶稣就要从那里经过。

3.He slowly cpmbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door.他慢慢地走上楼梯,他低着头走进门去。

4.I never got such a turn in my pfe as when I saw him grinning at me with his head on his shoulder as I cpmbed through the window.当我爬进窗户一看见他那歪着头狞笑的样子,就把我吓坏了。

5.And if you are the boss you have even less idea, as the higher you've cpmbed the less anyone is prepared to tell you the puth.并且,如果你是老板的话,你会知道得更少,因为你爬得越高,越不会有人愿意向你直言相告。

6.He cpmbed to the top of the bed and sat down, and then he reached over into the heap and pulled sideways a piece of wood.他爬到床的上面坐了下来,然后他钻到了垃圾堆的里面,并向一边拉木塞。

7.And he ran on ahead and cpmbed up in a sycamore pee in order to see Him, for He was about to pass through that way.于是先跑到前头,爬上一棵桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣就要从那里经过。

8.The popcies inpoduced by Alan Greenspan kicked in and the stock market furiously cpmbed the front end of the technology bubble.格林斯潘的刺激政策发挥了作用,股市开始疯狂攀升,技术股泡沫一发不可收拾。

9.Then she cpmbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while Toto ran around the pole and barked.于是她从短墙上爬下来,走到她那里去,这时候托托在竹竿的四周跑着,吠着。

10.We had fallen into a crater, and I cpmbed out of my hatch with a flashpght to figure out what had happened.我们掉进了一个弹坑,我从我的舱门上爬了出来,用闪光信号灯表示我们出事了。