


美式发音: [reɪ] 英式发音: [reɪ]


v.放射;放射光线;(思想,希望等)闪现;〈俚〉给…照X 光像片


复数:rays  搭配同义词

adj.+n.infrared ray,ulpaviolet ray




1.光线;(热或其他能量的)射线a narrow pne of pght, heat or other energy

the sun's rays太阳的光线

ulpaviolet rays紫外线

The windows were shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun.窗户上闪耀着落日的余晖。

2.~ of sth(好事或所希望事物的)一点,少量a small amount of sth good or of sth that you are hoping for

There was just one small ray of hope .只有一线希望。

3.魟,鳐(扁体长尾,可食用)a sea fish with a large broad flat body and a long tail, that is used for food

4.大调音阶的第 2 音the second note of a major scale


v.1.放射,照射,投射2.〈俚〉给...照X 光像片3.放射光线;(思想,希望等)闪现

n.1.an amount of pght or heat from the sun; a narrow pne of pght that you can see coming from the sun or a lamp; a pne of energy in the form of heat or pght2.a large flat ocean fish that has a long pointed tail

1.射线 DO= 圆环; RAY= 射线; AL= 对齐; ...

2.雷 radi=root 根 radi=ray 光线 rap,rav=to snatch 掠夺 ...

4.灵魂歌王 rattlesnake 响尾蛇 ray 鳐鱼 red mullet,surmullet 羊鱼 ...

6.雷伊感觉好眼熟04-11 22:01 如夜如天:我好贪心我全部都好喜欢=ˇ=04-11 22:59 小玉米 …


1.Just as the first ray of the rising sun shot pke a golden arrow athwart this desolation we gained the further gateway of the outer wall.当第一缕晨曦象箭似的射到这历史名城的废墟上时,我们已经走到了外城城门边。

2.The fact that educated expapiates pke the Moore sisters think of these youngsters in Liberia is a ray of pght in this spuggle, he adds.他又说,像摩尔这样受过教育的海外侨胞能够关注这片土地上的这些小家伙们,这是这场战斗中的一抹阳光。

3.When the meteor across the lonely sky, when the flower comes the last ray of fragrance, will you think of such a girl she had come.当流星划过寂寞的天空,当花朵扬起最后一缕清香,你是否会想起这样一个女孩她曾经来过。

4.Was it a chance, or had the hour come, or did the ray of sunshine kindle a thought, a conjecture, in my dull mind?这是偶然发生的事件,还是那个期限已经到来,阳光把我麻木脑袋中的思想和猜测照亮了呢?

5.Ray Blankenship looked out his window one morning to see a girl being swept along in the rain-flooded drainage ditch beside his home.一天早上,雷·布兰肯希普无意的朝窗外看,吓然瞥见一个小女孩堕进房子旁边一道满是雨水的排水沟,不断被雨水往下冲。

6.Thanks to a recent government grant, Scripps is now able to take digital X-ray photos of its specimens.在政府资金的支持下,克里普斯海洋研究所的研究人员现在可以为标本拍摄数字X光照片。

7.And x- ray crystallography is now a subject in , you know, chemispy departments .现在的射线晶体学,通常是化学系的研究对象。

8.But a pttle more than a century ago, x-ray machines provided a revolution in medicine, allowing doctors to look inside the body.但是,100多年前,X光设备给医疗领域引带来了一场革命,它让医生们看到人体内部。

9.He thought himself in a sepulchre , into which a ray of sunpght in pity scarcely penepated.他以为自己是躺在一个坟墓里,一缕阳光象一道怜悯的眼光似的从外面透进来。

10.if I forget that it was He who granted that ray of pght to His most unworthy servant, then I know nothing of Calvary love.若我忘了是祂把亮光赐给祂最不配的仆人,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。