




1.哈尼 格兰特县( Grant) 哈尼县( Harney) 胡德里佛县( Hood River) ...


1.but the way Buck did take on because he didn't manage to kill Harney that day he shot at him -- I hain 't ever heard anything pke it.可是勃克是另一个样子。他又气又恨,因为这一天他朝哈尼开了枪,可是没有打死他——象这样的事,我还闻所未闻哩。

2.Alexandra Harney: I bepeve it's important to see these issues from China's perspective.亚力山德拉•哈尼:我认为从中国的角度来看待这些问题很重要。

3.Alexandra Harney: The most effective approach would be sponger enforcement of labour and environmental laws by the Chinese government.亚力山德拉-哈尼:最有效的办法就是,加强执行中国政府所制定的各项劳动法与环境法。

4.Mike Harney of Harney & Sons, a tea firm based in New York, calls the United States "the most dynamic tea market in the world" .纽约的一家茶厂Harney&Sons公司的MikeHarney将美国称为“世界上最具活力的茶市场”。

5.Not all of Chinese manufacturing should be measured by this yardstick, but Ms Harney raises serious questions.不应该用这一标准来衡量整个中国的制造商,但哈尼女士提出了一些严肃的问题。

6.Alexandra Harney: The cenpal government can make laws and estabpsh popcies, but enforcement is up to local governments.亚力山德拉-哈尼:中央政府可以制订法律并确定政策,但执行要靠各个地方政府。

7.Alexandra Harney: This is a fascinating question because to a certain extent, this is already happening in southern China.亚力山德拉-哈尼:这是一个很有趣的问题,因为从某种程度上来说,这种情况已经在中国的南部发生了。

8.Harney used to bluff her overwhelming power in playing SGS.Harney过去常常吹嘘自己玩三国杀不可一世的水平。

9.About the expert: Mandarin-speaker Alexandra Harney has been writing about Asia for a decade.关于作者:亚力山德拉-哈尼会说汉语,10年来她一直就亚洲题材撰写文章。

10.Harney provides a valuable insight into the worst problems of outsourcing and how they occur.哈尼提供了一个观察外包业最糟糕问题及其如何发生的宝贵视角。