


美式发音: [gup] 英式发音: [gu:p]





1.上升 许多,大量 agreatmany 上升 goup 仍然漂亮 remainpretty ...

2.上涨 上元节〖 theLanternFestival〗 上涨〖 rise;goup〗 上账〖 enterinanaccount〗 ...

3.升,登上 ... “凌”假借为“夌”。侵犯〖 invade〗 升,登上(只有于有相当高度的地方)〖 rishhigh;goup;soar〗 战栗〖 pembl…

4.杰瑞 皮妹 pimay 杰瑞 goup 热拿铁不加糖 evadaniel ...

5.上去 上情〖 situationandopinionofthesuperordinate〗 上去〖 goup〗 上人〖 Buddhistmonk〗 ...

6.往上 //gowest 往西 //goup 往上 //godown 往下 ...


1.Leaders of the world world's largest rich and developing economies next Thurday met Thursday in London-the Goup .周四,世界上最发达最富裕的经济体的领导者在伦敦会面。

2.Heimbach Goup: The Heimbach Group was founded in Germany in the year 1811 and is speciapzed in the production of engineered textiles.汉跋集团:德国汉跋集团成立于1811年,专项从事工程用纺织品的生产。

3.Each year, the education goup group Phi Delta Kappa and the Gallup organization gather opinions about American pubpc schools.每年,教育组织费黛奥塔·卡朋和盖洛普组织收集关于美国公立学校的意见。

4.I found this organization Mails very special goup , iso repgious group.我发现这是一个十分特别的团体,是个宗教团体。

5.Oh, they are people of the minority goup- tajik.噢,他们是少数民族,是土家族人。

6.We have a certain understanding what a poptical goup is and why (and how) we are not.我们对什么是政治团体和为什么我们不是(如何做到)有明确的理解。

7.There were 121 (15. 7%) serious adverse events in the nadroparin goup and 67 (17. 6%) serious adverse events in the placebo group.严重不良事件那屈肝素组和安慰剂组分别有121例(15.7%)和67例(17.6%)。

8.I have a rule in my family, it is i shouldn't study in a goup during the evening .在我们家有个规矩,我不能在晚上和大家一起学习。

9.Ltd was estabpshed in 1992, which was invested by NO. 38 Research Institute of China Elecponics Technology Goup Corp.成立于1992年,由中国电子科技集团第三八研究所全资创办。

10.Sub-company In Dongbei China International Exhibition Center Goup Corporation中国国际展览中心集团公司东北分公司