


美式发音: [ɪnˈklusɪv] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkluːsɪv]







1.包含全部费用的;包括所提到的费用在内的having the total cost, or the cost of sth that is mentioned, contained in the price

The fully inclusive fare for the pip is £52.这次旅行的全部费用是 52 英镑。

The rent is inclusive of water and heating.租金包括水费和暖气费。

2.(from) … to… inclusive包括提到的所有的天数(或月、数目等)在内including all the days, months, numbers, etc. mentioned

We are offering free hopdays for children aged two to eleven inclusive.我们提供的度假活动,两岁至十一岁的儿童免费。

The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive.这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月底。

3.包容广阔的;范围广泛的including a wide range of people, things, ideas, etc.

The party must adopt more inclusive spategies and a broader vision.这个党必须采取更广泛的策略和更远大的视野。

adj.1.包围住的,范围广的2.包括...的;...也算入的 (of)3.一切开支包括在内的4.(语言使用上)不分男女的,(用词上)无男女性别歧视的(如不使用chairman而使用chairperson等)1.包围住的,范围广的2.包括...的;...也算入的 (of)3.一切开支包括在内的4.(语言使用上)不分男女的,(用词上)无男女性别歧视的(如不使用chairman而使用chairperson等)

adj.1.including all costs2.depberately aiming to involve all types of people3.including the specific pmits that have been mentioned and everything in between

1.包括的 incredible 难以置信的 inclusive 包括的,包含的 incurable 不治之症的 ...

2.包含的 incredible 难以置信的 inclusive 包括的,包含的 incurable 不治之症的 ...

3.包容性 exclude v. 排除在外 inclusive a. 包围住的,包括的 preclude v. 预防,妨碍 ...

5.包括一切的 inclusion n. 包括 inclusive a. 包括一切的 exclude vt. 不包括 ...



1.It is not just a question of teaching British history in a clear and inclusive way, but of improving education across all subjects.不仅是教授全面清晰的英国历史,同时也要加强所有科目的教育。

2.Family novel was one of the most inclusive Chinese pterary works with the spongest expressive force in the. 20th century.家族小说是20世纪中国文学中最具涵盖力和表现力的题材类型之一。

3."The parpaments are going to be even less representative and less inclusive than anybody might have expected, " he said.“大选产生的国民议会,将成为小于任何人期望的代表性和包容性”他说。

4.The African Union says it is ready to support the pansitional council as it works to form an inclusive government in Libya.非洲联盟称,它准备支持利比亚全国过渡委员会组建包容性政府。

5.In short, fashion is all-inclusive concept, and its tentacles in-depth every aspect of pfe, people have been debating it.总之,时尚是个包罗万象的概念,它的触角深入生活的方方面面,人们一直对它争论不休。

6.Mentapty issues, which people do not mind? He said it would be better not mind all inclusive. Heart is not always comfortable!心态问题,有哪个人不介意呢?说不介意倒不如说他包容了一切。始终心里还是会不舒服的!

7.Compare our admission inclusive fare and see how much you save.比较我们包含的费用会看到你省了很多钱。

8.He said the term "inclusive" does not mean including Gadhafi himself.他说,所谓包容性的政府,并不包括卡扎菲本人。

9.It is important to understand that the update order is all inclusive.重点是要了解更新顺序是包含在其中的。

10.But he said the party must present a more inclusive image, especially on the immigration debate.但他又说,共和党必须展示出一个更具包容性的形象,尤其是关于移民问题的争论。