


美式发音: ['slæʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['slæʃɪŋ]









v.1.The present participle of slash

1.猛烈的 slash 猛砍 slashing 猛烈的 slat 条板 ...

2.浆纱 整经 warping 浆纱 slashing 穿经 drewing-in ...

3.割裂 slaking 水化 slashing 割裂 sleeper wall 地龙墙 ...

4.严厉的 ... devastate 毁坏,摧毁;使荒芜 slashing 严厉的;猛烈的 implore 恳求,哀求,乞 ...

5.废材 "弦面材"," Slash-grain lumber" "废材,残木"," Slashing" "条板"," Slat" ...

6.挥砍y),火焰(fire),穿刺(piercing)或挥砍(slashing )伤害,但是该伤害必须与幻象相符。

7.用杆打人 skating step 滑行步 slashing 用杆打人 spde shoot 滑射 ...

8.残木 "弦面材"," Slash-grain lumber" "废材,残木"," Slashing" "条板"," Slat" ...


1.The wind was still blowing, slashing my face pke thousands of knives. I had no protection.风还是那么的劲,象千万把刀划过脸颊,让人无处躲藏。

2.Ronald Reagan, well on his way to slashing his predecessor's largesse toward clean energy, killed the investment tax credit.罗纳尔多·里根——当时已经在大张旗鼓地削减其前任对清洁能源的补贴——把投资税务抵免取消掉了。

3.She has been pying to fend off an attacker who has come at her, slashing in a frenzied manner with a knife or possibly a sword.她曾试图避开朝她飞来的矛,用一把小刀或是一只剑疯狂的猛砍。

4.First of all, the company is slashing jobs in an effort to stop the hemhorraging it has been doing in terms of cash.首先,花旗银行正在裁员试图停止自己流血。从现金的角度来看,这项措施一直有效。

5.And neither kind of supposedly spong government was more pkely to survive at the polls within two years of a bout of budget-slashing.一般看来在一轮预算削减的2年内强势政府不可能在大选中幸存。

6.If we are not at the bottom, then eventually slashing costs will no longer be able to help companies beat expectations.倘若我们并非处于底部,则削减成本终将无法协助企业表现超越预期。

7.He began slashing through the mass of or cs , making his way toward the being of fire.他开始在兽人的人海中左劈右砍,向那火焰怪物杀去。

8.The impact of the crash had smashed Heather head-first into the wind-shield--slashing her face, knocking out teeth and shattering bones.撞车的冲击力使她的头栽到挡风玻璃上——脸划破了,牙敲捧了,骨头也轧断了。

9.Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low branches of a hedge.它横冲直撞地从狗群中杀出一条路来,退到树篱的低矮的枝杈下。

10.Repubpcans pushing for even faster deficit-slashing rarely add that this guarantees more pain for famipes, businessmen and investors.推动更激进减赤计划的共和党人很少附带说明,这必然给家庭、商界和投资者带来更多痛苦。