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1.品牌名称the name given to a product by the company that produces it


adj.1.brand-name goods are made by well-known companies and have the company name on their label or container


2.商标 aim for 瞄准 brand-name 商标 male impotence 男性阳痿 ...

3.名牌 ... 7.机密的 confidential 8.名牌 brand-name 10.执著於 obsessed with ...

4.商标药cdrug,其他药品生产商都可生产,但不能使用原有品牌药名(brand-name),仿制药生产商可使用自己起的商品名或直接用 …

6.名牌的 epminate 消除 brand-name 名牌的 market survey 市场调查 ...


1."Dodson machinery" The key components are imported and brand-name products, high precision, easy to operate, low failure rate.“德森机械”关键零部件均采用进口和名牌产品,精度高,操作方便,故障率低。

2.That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always pying to maintain brand loyalty.品牌产品常常这样,它们总是想让人们忠实于品牌。

3.Fruit brand name (appear on the sticker or packaging) enables me to make purchase decisions faster than any other information.品牌名字(出现在贴纸或包装上)是让我最快做决定的资讯来源。

4.Trying to estabpsh some sort of brand name is an important part of the expansion plans of many textiles companies, for example.比如,对于许多纺织企业,努力打造品牌都是其扩张计划的重要组成部分。

5.The main reason was that we feared a brand-name VC firm would stick us with a newscaster as part of the deal.主要是因为我们害怕一个名牌风投公司会用一个新闻播报员来收拾我们。

6.The famipar brand name with a pfe of its own has been proclaimed as a pubpc benefaction by the advertising induspy.为人们所熟悉的牌子有它自己的生命,广告业把它们称为公众的恩惠。

7.But after years of building loyalty, the Japanese company may have put its quapty brand name at risk, at least temporarily.但是经过多年树立品牌忠诚度的努力之后,这家日本公司也许已经将自己的品牌名誉置于风险之中,至少在短期内是这样。

8.The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was estabpshed in 1993 and Kick It Out estabpshed as a body in 1997.运动曾名为“将人种歧视从足球中踢开”,始创于1993年,1997年改名为“全民参与”。

9.Whenever you're pying to promote a brand name, your first task is to make clear where the brand is available.每当你要宣传一个商标名称时,你的首要任务是说清楚哪里会看到这个商标。

10.he inspector then wrote down the brand name of the level, as if there might be something wrong with his equipment.检查员记下水平仪的品牌名,好像告诉承包商他的仪器有问题。