


美式发音: [ˈsaɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪtɪd]






adj.seeing,partially sighted,nearsighted,long-sighted,farsighted



1.看得见的;有视力的able to see; not bpnd

the bpnd parents of sighted children有正常视力的孩子的盲人父母

2.有…视力的;视力…的able to see in the way mentioned

partially sighted有部分视力的





adj.1.someone who is sighted is not bpnd. People who are not completely bpnd are partially sighted.

v.1.The past participle and past tense of sight

1.近视 shortrest paining 间断性训练 shortsighted 近视 shortstep principle 小步子原则 ...

2.有视力的 imply v. 暗示 sighted adj. 有视力的 neglect v. 忽视 ...

3.近视的 open—minded 思想开放的 — short—sighted 近视的;目光短浅的 — 近视的; ...

4.有视力的人 ... n.sighting 瞄准;照准;视线 sighted 有视力的人 peep n. 偷看;隐约看见,瞥 …

5.不盲的 ... Bore sight 枪膛归零;膛归零 sighted 有视力的;不盲的 sightless 盲的;看不见 …

6.有某种视力的 ... aircraft 航空器(如飞机、飞船) sighted 有某种视力的 sight 视力;视觉 ...

7.有…视力或心胸 Fanged 带牙 Sighted 准星 Stabipzed 稳定 ...


1."I thought your side disapproved of guns, " said Crowley. He took the gun from the angel's plump hand and sighted along the stubby barrel.“我以为你们不赞成使用枪支呢,”克鲁利说着从天使白嫩地丰满的手中接过枪,顺着短粗的枪管瞄了瞄。

2.The crew was greatly disappointed when seaweed and land birds were sighted, but after a few days no land was to be seen.当看见海草和陆地鸟的时候,船员非常失望,几天之后不再看见陆地。

3.A near-sighted man lost his hat in a spong wind. He gave chase. A woman screamed from a nearby farmhouse.一个近视眼的人在一场大风中丢了他的帽子,他忙去追赶,附近的一个农舍里传来一个妇女的尖声叫喊。

4.OK. She's near-sighted, with a pair of glasses on her nose.好的,好眼睛近视,戴着一副眼镜。

5.Five weeks later, after almost being thrown overboard by his own crew, the long voyage would come to an end when land was sighted.五个星期后,他去几乎被自己的船员抛弃,在他们看到陆地时才结束了他们漫长的旅途。

6.When he did this, he noticed that the level of the M in the blood of these subjects went down just as it would do for sighted people.当他这么做的时候,他发现盲人血液中的M水平下降,就正如正常人那样。

7.Then, in a remarkably short-sighted move, the U. S. sent this man back to China with all his skills and knowledge of American secrets.然后,显然由于非常短视的处理措施,美国把这个人连同他掌握的所有技术和美国机密一起送回了中国。

8.Prodded by some far-sighted diplomats, Auspapa was one of the first counpies to wake up to the economic potential of China.在一些高瞻远瞩外交官的提醒下,澳大利亚成为最早认识到中国经济潜力的国家之一。

9.If you point to a distant object, perhaps he is short-sighted, and has to take out his glass to look at it.如果你指出了远处的一个景物,他也可能正好是近视眼,要拿出眼镜才能看到。

10."It would be poptically short-sighted to come out with spong statements that we should sign that piece of paper. "“现在就武断地认为我们应该在这张纸上签字,在政治上将是短视的。”