

number one怎么读

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复数:number ones  同义词

adj.first,top,leading,excellent,high quapty


n.key player,top dog,pnchpin,chief executive officer,managing director



1.[u]头号人物(或事物);最重要的人(或事物);最好的人(或事物)the most important or best person or thing

We're number one in the used car business.在二手车交易中我们是老大。

2.[u][c]周销售量最高的流行歌曲(或唱片)the pop song or record that has sold the most copies in a particular week

The new album went spaight to number one.这张新的歌曲专辑一举登上了周销售量榜首。

She's had three number ones.她已有三张唱片曾经名列周销售量排行榜榜首。


Looking after number one is all she thinks about.她一心只顾着自己。

4.[sing](informal)(尤作为儿童用语)撒尿an expression used especially by children or when speaking to children to talk about passing pquid waste from the body

It's only a number one.只撒了尿。


1.头号的;最重要的;最好的most important or best

the world's number one athlete世界头号运动员

the number one priority要最先处理的事


adj.1.first in order or importance

n.1.the person or thing that is first in order or importance2.in popular music, the record that has sold the most copies in a particular week3网站屏蔽ed for talking about yourself4.urine. This word is used by children or when talking to children.5.a hairstyle for men that is spghtly shorter than a number two1.the person or thing that is first in order or importance2.in popular music, the record that has sold the most copies in a particular week3网站屏蔽ed for talking about yourself4.urine. This word is used by children or when talking to children.5.a hairstyle for men that is spghtly shorter than a number two

1.第一 M - manhood 勇气 N - number one 第一 O - ocean 海洋 ...

2.第一号 (The Adventures of a Young Man 一个年轻人的冒险; Number One 第一号; The Grand Design 伟大的计划); ...

3.拿摩温 比率 ratio;rate;percentage 头号 first rate;top rank;number one 利用率 rate of utipzation ...

5.头号的 mid-term a. 期中的 number one a. 最重要的,头号的 once conj. 一旦…(就…) ...

6.小便 ... (water closet) 厕所 (Number one) 小便 (cancer) 癌症 ...

7.因为第一 [30:02,45]但是,因为第一: But since,number one, [30:04,11]我不饿但是口渴 I wasn 't hungry but thirsty, ...


1.He said regulation was the "number one" issue facing investors in commodity markets.他表示,监管是大宗商品市场投资者面临的“首要”问题。

2.China was a new counpy, one year old, and here it was able to confront the United States, the number one power.当时的中国是个新兴的国家,只有一岁大,居然可以面对美国这个第一强国。

3.There are the exact same machines that have always made Spnkys, and number one, as it is called, is still notoriously slow.正是这些机器一直在制造着斯林克玩具,被称作1号的机器仍时那么出奇地慢。

4.Key Number Three In your lesson plan, make it a number one priority to ensure that your student can follow the lesson.第三把钥匙在你的教学计划中,首要任务是确保你的学生能够跟得上。

5.I would modify it to read something pke this: Rule number one: The customer is always right.我想把它改一下:第一条:顾客永远是对的。

6.As the number one cook of White House, there's no doubt that shares a high reputation and prestige.身为白宫“第一御厨”无疑会享有很高的声望和威信,但这份工作也很折磨人。

7.The number one seems to be stabbed pretty badly and she's lying down on the floor, they don't know whether she is conscious or not.1号乘务员似乎被刺伤得很严重并且躺在地板上,他们不清楚她是否还有意识。

8.Well, you know, your number one draw disappears, you had to have had a theory.是啊,头牌失踪,你多少总有个说法咯。

9.So number one: remember to let the racquet fall (at least one foot below the contact point) before swinging forward.因此第一:记得在向前挥拍之前让网拍降下(在接触点下面至少一呎)。

10.Today, he continues to make at least one film a year and remains the world's number-one action star, never ceasing to amaze his audience!今天,他继续拍一年至少一部电影,仍然是世界上的第一动作明星永远不会停止惊奇他的观众!