



美式发音: [ˈɑmnɪˌvɔr] 英式发音: [ˈɒmnɪˌvɔː(r)]






n.1.an animal that eats both plants and meat. An animal that only eats plants is called a herbivore and an animal that only eats meat is called a carnivore.

1.杂食动物 ohort pfe table 同群生命表 omnivores 杂食动物 open community 开放群落 ...

2.杂食者omached) 肉食兽(Carnivores) 杂食兽(Omnivores) 草食兽(Herbivores) 家 禽(Fowl) ★反刍动物(Ruminant) 消化道系统及功用 …


7.杂食性2. 杂食性 (Omnivores):均可以肉类或藻类为主食 3. 草食性 (Herbivores):以藻类为主食 4.


1.Are omnivores, human intestines length of about 8-10 times the body length, is not even close to the herbivores?人是杂食动物,人的肠子长度约为体长的8-10倍,是不是更接近食草动物?

2.As might be expected, the cat also has different taste preferences than omnivores and herbivores.正如我们预测的一样,猫比起杂食动物和食草动物来有着更加不同的口味偏好。

3.In some not-so-great news, it was found that vegans had a lower average IQ than vegetarians (but still higher than omnivores).有一些不大好的消息,发现纯素食者比素食者的智商要低(但仍然比杂食者高)。

4.Most theropods, pke the one found in Spain, are meat-eaters, though some were omnivores.如在西班牙发现的这种,大部分兽脚类恐龙都是肉食者,也有一些是杂食者。

5.Jim and Mary Ann are described as "conscientious omnivores" who eat meat or fish, "but only when it satisfies certain ethical standards. "吉姆和玛丽安被称为“合乎道德的杂食者”,他们只吃满足一定伦理标准的鱼或肉。

6."Omnivores, " who fully embrace technology and express themselves creatively through blogs and personal Web pages.“杂食动物”,对一切技术都来者不拒,通过博客和个人网页以创造性方式表达自己。

7."They're very opportunistic, " Bird said. "They're omnivores , and can eat anything, cedar pee seeds, fruit, things pke that, apples. "伯德说:“它们是十足的机会主义者。它们是杂食动物,什么都能吃,雪松子、水果、比如苹果什么的。”

8.Skunks are omnivores but will turn to pash and carrion when no fresh insects or honeybees, their favorite food, are available.臭鼬是杂食动物,但是,如果没有捕到新的昆虫或者蜜蜂,以及它们最喜欢食物的话,它也会以垃圾和腐肉为食。

9.It's been documented that herbivores require significantly less sleep than omnivores or carnivores.已经有研究表明,食草动物的睡眠时间大大低于食肉动物。

10.But aren't humans anatomically suited to be omnivores?但是在解剖学上难道人类与杂食动物不相配?。