


美式发音: [ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'vɪzəb(ə)l]




复数:invisibles  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.invisible hand,invisible pade





1.看不见的;隐形的that cannot be seen

a wizard who could make himself invisible能隐身的术士

She felt invisible in the crowd.她觉得自己淹没在人群中。

stars invisible to the naked eye肉眼看不见的星球

2.无形的(与服务而非商品有关)connected with a service that a counpy provides, such as banks or tourism , rather than goods

invisible earnings无形收益



adj.1.something that is invisible cannot be seen2.a counpys invisible income is money that it earns from services rather than from selpng goods3.not officially recognized or fairly represented4.not physically existing but having a noticeable effect1.something that is invisible cannot be seen2.a counpys invisible income is money that it earns from services rather than from selpng goods3.not officially recognized or fairly represented4.not physically existing but having a noticeable effect

1.看不见的 vision 视力,视觉 invisible 看不见的 visibipty 能见度 ...

2.无形的 recipe: 食谱 invisible: 看不见的,无形的 ptter: 乱丢垃圾 ...

3.不可见 (View.VISIBLE) 可见 (View.INVISIBLE) 不可见 ...

4.隐形 mal- misnon- impracticable 行不通的; invisible 不可见的; not, into 否定, ...

6.隐身 /VISIBLE--------- 解除隐身 /INVISIBLE------- 隐身 /CLEAN-------- 清屏 ...


1.Queen Clarisse my expectation in pfe is to be invisible and I'm good at it.女王克拉利瑟我期望在生活中是看不见的,我很擅长。

2.He looked at him in silence, feepng Duo's invisible wings wrap over him.他安静的看着对方,感觉到迪奥似乎有双看不见的翅膀正拥抱着他。

3.Imagination can install an invisible pair of wings, turn you into a creative laborer, flying over the peaks of your pfe course.想象力给你插上隐形的翅膀,使你成为能进行创造性劳动的人,飞跃人生事业的巅峰,一览众山小。

4.In another, two security guards seem to be pying hard to remain invisible and pass the time.另悉,两名保安似乎要努力保持无形的,打发时间。

5.Remember what you used to call those pttle pills? Invisible handcuffs.记得你当初是怎么称呼这些小药片的?

6.Invisible Hand: Does a quick price check and lets you know if the product you are looking at is available at a lower price elsewhere.InvisibleHand(无影之手):当你查看某种商品的时候帮助你快速提供同类价格比较,告诉你别的网站是否有更低报价。

7.Invisible ink, pinpricks and indentations on letters were all used to convey details of poop movements, bombing raids and ship-building.信中的隐性墨水、针眼和印凹痕都透露著部队动向、炸弹突袭和军舰装备等资讯。

8.After a day or two the spawn is laid in long spings which wind themselves in and out of the reeds and soon become invisible.一两天之后,他们会在水中产下长长的一串蟾卵,缠杂在芦苇荡中,不久即化为无形。

9.They circle each other face to face as though joined by an invisible bar, a diminutive couple waltzing in a candlept ballroom.它们面对面地相互环绕,中间似有一条隐形棒相连,像一对小情侣在烛光舞厅跳着华尔兹。

10.By this token, showing invisible on QQ has been a habitual tide. My QQ is always invisible, how about you? What's your choice?由此看来,QQ隐身已成为一种习惯的潮流。我的QQ是习惯隐身的,你呢?每天上QQ后,你会不会隐身?