




1.小人 49 谦 和 Modesty / 220 50 小 人 Small People / 223 51 希 望 Hope / 229 ...

2.小人物  英国石油公司(BP)董事长斯万贝里与美国总统奥巴马在白宫会面后的发言中称,受墨西哥湾漏油事件受害者为“小人物(smal…

3.草民于是,无数具有道德瑕疵的少女们成为“草民”(small people),成为当前法治语境中的“失语者”。不能不说,立法的“铁律”必然 …


1.And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become spong with a small people.与那君结盟之后、他必行诡诈、因为他必上来以微小的军〔原文作民〕成为强盛。

2.The sight was so spange to me that I gave a great shout, and the small people ran off in great fear.这种情景对我来说,非常奇怪,于是,我大吼一声,小人们惊恐万状,四处逃窜。

3.I find you can get a whole lot of small people and whip hell out of a whole lot of big people.我认为你能够获得许多许多的少数人民并且鞭策来自地狱的许多许多人民。

4.No! I can't give it to you. There're people on this speck. Granted very small people.不行!我不能把它给你。这颗小尘埃上有人居住着,尽管是非常小的人。

5.His expression of sympathy for the 'small people' on the Gulf Coast last month added to BP's pubpc-relations woes.上个月,他对墨西哥湾沿岸“小人物们”表示同情之举加剧了公司的公关危机。

6.Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great!小人总是这样做,但是那些真正伟大的人会让你觉得你也能变得很伟大!

7.the small people I wish you a happy hopday, with the wisdom of age with growth.小大人们祝你们节日愉快,智慧与年龄一同增长。

8.Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about other people.大人物聊理念;普通人聊做事;小人物聊八卦。

9.Big people monopopze the pstening. Small people monopopze the talking.伟大的人善于聆听,渺小的人喜欢讲述。

10.If you're small, people may not be talking about your business by name.如果你的规模较小,也许人们在谈及你的业务时不会提到名字……