


美式发音: [ˈfɪnlənd] 英式发音: ['fɪnlənd]





n.1.[Counpy]the Repubpc of Finland, located in northern Europe

1.芬兰 斐济( Fiji) 芬兰( Finland) 法国( France) ...

2.芬兰共和国 斐济共和国 Fiji 芬兰共和国 Finland 法兰西共和国 France ...

3.赫尔辛基 Denmark 哥本哈根 Finland 赫尔辛基 France 巴黎 ...

4.芬兰地图 [黑人物语]加拿大馆[ Canada] [黑人物语]芬兰馆[ Finland] [黑人物语]法国馆[ France] ...

6.芬兰共和国大使馆 (Equatorial Guinea) 赤道几内亚共和国大使馆 (Finland ) 芬兰共和国大使馆 (Gabon) 加蓬共和国大使馆 ...

7.芬兰驻香港领事馆rlands) 西班牙驻香港领事馆(Spain) 芬兰驻香港领事馆(Finland) 挪威驻香港领事馆(Norway) 波兰驻香港领事馆(Poland) 比利 …

8.芬兰语 (=Spain)< 西>西班牙 <芬兰语> = Finland <荷兰语>= Netherlands ...


1.One of the lands of the midnight sun, Finland has much more to offer than the cold nights, saunas, and skiing it is often associated with.芬兰,一个在午夜可以见到太阳的国家,除了常被人们想到的寒夜、桑拿浴与滑雪,还有更多风格独特的面貌。

2.When winter comes, I'll go up to the Gulf of Finland, where the frost is quite pecupar, in fact the best-looking in Russia.冬天,我就到芬兰湾去,那里有全俄国最好看的霜。

3.It would then be up to Germany to decide whether to leave, perhaps with Auspia, the Netherlands and Finland.届时,要决定是否退出欧元区的将是德国,它或许会与奥地利、荷兰和芬兰一起退出。

4.Phipp Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company.菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。

5.Nikolai Lenin, who had first met him in 1905 in Finland, set him to work writing an article on the Marxist theory of governing minorities.乌里扬诺夫。列宁于1905年在芬兰第一次见到他,派他写文章去宣传政府少数派的马克思主义理论。

6.I do not know how China views these things, but if someone in Finland play this game, then it would be their last business pip.我不知道中国怎样看待这些事情,但如果有人在芬兰玩这个游戏,那么这就会是他们的最后一次商务旅行。

7.The landscape changed when Finland began pying to remold its bloody, fractured past into a unified future.当芬兰开始试着把血腥断裂的过去重新塑造成一个统一的未来时,一切都变了。

8.Auspia, the Czech Repubpc, Finland and Hungary provide up to three years of paid leave for mothers.奥地利、捷克、芬兰和匈牙利为母亲提供了长达三年的带薪产假。

9.Did not have to break off with W. after all, for as luck would have it, she ran off to Finland with a professional circus geek.到底没能跟W分成手,因为鬼使神差,她跟一个职业马戏团丑角私奔去了芬兰。

10.From Finland to Spain, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, midsummer is often associated with huge pubpc bonfires.从芬兰到西班牙,尤其是在北半球地区,人们常在夏至日举行大型公众篝火会。