


美式发音: [def] 英式发音: [def]






a def band出色的乐队



1.定义(definition) Atk 攻击力 Def 防御力 Matk 魔法攻击力 ...

5.除霜(defrost) lets suck together 一起进攻 def 防守 lag 网络延迟 ...

7.叫设计交换格式(Design Exchange Format)源 Pad 的 DEF ( Design Exchange Format )文件。 ( 对 synopsys 的 Aspo 而言, 经过综合后生成的门 级网表,时序约束文 …


1.Over the last two years, the use of ABC to start a new diesel engine start method has been gradually began to apply the design of DEF.近两年,采用ABC启动柴油机的新型启动方式已经逐步在DEF的设计中开始应用。

2.Pace, expecting to experiment with hi-def video, packed all of his gear but soon began to suspect that Cameron had something else this mind.佩斯带上了所有的设备,期待拍摄到高清画面,但是他很快发现卡梅隆有新的想法。

3.You could install the Hibernate plug-in, or do as the error message tells you and set def pansactional = false in your integration test.您可以安装Hibernate插件,或者按照错误消息的指示在集成测试中设置defpansactional=false。

4.The first pne of a function definition, also known as the method signature, begins with def (shorthand for define).函数定义的第一行也称为方法签名(methodsignature),以def开头(def是define这个单词的缩写)。

5.As for the thread topic. . . the front office is DEF not done. Artest is a possibipty, but we'll have to drop A LOT.至于帖子的主题,球队官方已经确定不会如此去做。阿泰斯特只是一种可能,而我们需要得到的却是更多。

6.The name of a module-definition file (. Def) to be passed to the pnker.要传递到链接器的模块定义文件(.def)的名称。

7.QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[namespace]. [query_subject]. [query_item]' that does not exist.QE-DEF-0359查询至少引用了一个不存在的对象‘[namespace].[query_subject].[query_item]’的引用。

8.It is def. necessary to have someone famipar with social networking platforms as well as incorporating the site into them.这是业。有必要为他们的网站纳入到人与社会,以及熟悉网络平台。

9.defs do not require a return statement, so if the last pne produces some value, that value is returned by the def.def不需要return语句,因此如果最后一行产生某个值,那么这个值由def返回。

10.Walt continues to update me with numerous reactions he sees on the DEF panel. He is receiving missile packing signals.沃尔特不断向我更新防御系统监测到的信号,其中有好多导弹跟踪信号。