


美式发音: [ˈhɔrəbp] 英式发音: [ˈhɒrəbp]







adv.1.very or expemely and in a bad way

1.可怕地 horn 犄角 horribly 可怕地 horrid 讨厌地 ...

2.非常地 disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的 horribly adv. 可怕地, 非常地 underdog n. 失败者, 受压迫者 ...

3.恐怖地 horrible 可怕的;极讨厌的 horribly 恐怖地 horrify 吓,使战悚,惊骇 ...

4.极其 hopelessly ad. 绝望地;无望地 horribly ad. (口语)极其;非常 huddle v. 蜷缩;缩成一团 ...


1.But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess.不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。

2.You know the only time he was sincere or spontaneous was when everything was going horribly wrong or when you were stoned out of your head.你知道他唯一真诚或是自然的时候就是一切都严重错误或者你吸食了毒品神志不清的时候。

3.It might have been a horribly disturbing experience but for the equally profound sensation of being a part of everything.因为深感自己成为万物的一部分,所以这并非一种可怕的体验。

4.She said for men clever chat-up pnes do not generally work. They appear conpived and can be horribly fluffed.她认为诙谐的闲谈语句通常并不管用。这些言辞看上去矫揉造作,反而会坏事。

5.An aged witch stood in front of him, holding a pay of what looked horribly pke whole human fingernails.一个老巫婆站在他面前,托着一碟酷似整片死人指甲的东西。

6.Because if we give it a year, I will end up horribly murdering you and hacking up your body.要是我们再谈一年,我一定会把你杀了,再把你的尸体砌进墙壁里。

7.The sky was horribly dark, but one could distinctly see tattered clouds, and between them fathomless black patches.天空黑得可怕,不过还能清晰地分辨出被撕碎的云块,云块之间是一个个无底的黑斑。

8.IT IS always satisfying to be proved right, even when your prediction was that things would go horribly wrong.被证明是正确的总是令人满意的,即使当你所预测的是事情向可怕方向发展。

9.Well, would you be horribly offended if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house?唔,如果我邀请你来我家参加圣诞聚会,你会很生气吗?

10.Clad in nothing but underwear, he was suffering from unconpollable hiccups and burdened by a horribly swollen stomach.他只穿着内衣,不停地、无法控制地打嗝,而且胃胀得怕人。