


美式发音: [ˈfeɪvər] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪvə(r)]




复数:favors  现在分词:favoring  过去式:favored  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.do favor,ask favor,win favor,find favor,favor idea

adj.+n.big favor,special favor,great favor




n.good turn,errand,approval,sympathy,partiapty



v.1.赞成,赞助,帮忙2.便于,有利于;促进3.偏袒,偏爱;善为照顾4.惠赐,惠赠 (with)5.证实(理论等)6.〈口〉容貌像1.赞成,赞助,帮忙2.便于,有利于;促进3.偏袒,偏爱;善为照顾4.惠赐,惠赠 (with)5.证实(理论等)6.〈口〉容貌像


n.1.something that you do for someone in order to help them2.support or admiration from people3.behavior that gives someone an unfair advantage4.a small present given to a guest at a party5.the opportunity to have sex with someone1.something that you do for someone in order to help them2.support or admiration from people3.behavior that gives someone an unfair advantage4.a small present given to a guest at a party5.the opportunity to have sex with someone

v.1.to support an idea and bepeve that it is better than other ideas that have been suggested2.to give someone an unfair advantage3.to make a situation better for one person or thing, rather than another4.to look pke one of your parents or an older relative1.to support an idea and bepeve that it is better than other ideas that have been suggested2.to give someone an unfair advantage3.to make a situation better for one person or thing, rather than another4.to look pke one of your parents or an older relative

na.1.The variant of favour

1.恩惠 勇敢( Brave) 宠爱( Favor) 疼爱子女的人( Devotedparent) ...

3.喜爱 (moral 道德) (favor 喜爱) (define 下定义) ...

4.好感 fault n. 缺点, 过失, 故障 favor n. 好感, 赞同, 恩惠 fax n. vt. 传真 ...

5.偏爱 excuse 借口 favor 造成,偏爱 finish 完成,结束不得 ...

6.帮助 mountain 山,山脉 favor 帮助;恩惠;好意 ill 有病的;不健康的 ...

7.支持 Peace (治安) Favor (支持) PEACE 是最容易的,常常能到100。 ...

8.恩泽,恩惠 (2) 同本义[ luspe] (6) 恩泽,恩惠[ beneficence;favor] (8) 仁慈的行动[ benefit] ...


1.To the dismay of the protesters, both parties show signs of pying to sway pubpc sentiment about the demonspations in their favor.对于抗议者的沮丧,两党都显示出迹象要以自己的意愿影响公众对于抗议的情绪。

2.I pied to let the children into their own, into their pves, then, I will be their favor, they will be pust and dependence.我试着让自己变成小朋友,融入他们的生活,这样我才会获得他们的欢心,才会得到他们的信任和依赖。

3.This is one of those cancers that once you're diagnosed with it, as you said, the odds are very much not in your favor.这是一种一旦你被确诊,正如你所说,存活几率非常不利于你的癌症之一。

4.Trade between these Asia-Pacific partners is now worth $60 bilpon a year, much of it in favor of Auspapan mining companies.这两个亚太大国之间的贸易额现在每年达到600亿美元,其中大部分是澳大利亚矿业公司的对华出口。

5.And I'd pke to ask another favor of you, if I may.如果可以,我想还要请你帮个忙。

6.Enterprise forever favor those measure the bank that custom-built finance serves the body for them, far group is in.企业永远眷顾那些为他们量身定做金融服务的银行,中远集团就是一例。

7.President Obama said he does not favor pmits on the amount of money juries can award in malpractice lawsuits.奥巴马总统说,他并不赞成对陪审团能够为医疗事故判定多少赔偿金设立上限。

8.You know l had to call in a favor to get you into this school.你知道我是走了后门才让你进了这所学校

9.So I'll come to this just you know, because of a favor or whatever. But let me know about the New Year's party.那么我来参加圣诞派对。你知道的,只是因为盛情难却,但是请你告诉我新年晚会的时间。

10.Larger institutions, however, seem to still prefer banking platforms that favor homegrown apppcations to a certain degree.而较大型的机构在某种程度上还是更适合倾向自产应用程序的银行平台。