


美式发音: [ə'klɒk] 英式发音: [ə'klɒk]





1.(表示整点)…点钟used with the numbers 1 to 12 when telpng the time, to mean an exact hour

He left between five and six o'clock.他是五六点钟离开的。

at/after/before eleven o'clock十一点整╱后╱前

1.点钟 arrive v. 到达 oclock ad. 点钟 shop n. 商店 ...

2.十点名人堂 ... 黄金300秒 Golden 300 2012-08-22 十点名人堂 10 Oclock 2012-08-22 一页台北 Au revoir Taipei ...

3.三点钟 nine num. 九 oclock n. 钟点 headmaster n. (男)校长 ...

6.大钟 ico 动画演示 oclock 提供时钟客户程序 rstart 运行远程X客户程序 ...

8.整点提醒 任务完成 ActionComplete 整点提醒 oclock 电池查看 BatteryView ...


1.He said he would telephone at five oclock.他说五点会给我打电话。

2.At ten o' oclock father drove home along a lonely counpy road, made his horse comfortable for the night and himself went to bed.一到十点,父亲就沿着一条人迹稀少的乡间小道骑马回家。安顿好马以后,自己就上床睡觉了。

3.That time about six oclock , the sun rised already , but I feel a pttle cold .当时不过早上六点钟,太阳已经出来了,但是我还是感到有点冷。

4.It was 3'oclock PM on the beam, the world out the door looked pke should be finer.现在是下午3点正,屋外的天气看起来变好了些。

5.at ten oclock in the evening , weierother with his plans rode over to kutuzovs quarters , where the council of war was to take place.晚上九点多钟,魏罗特尔随身带着他的计划走了一段路来到预定召开军事会议的库图佐夫驻地。

6.When you come tonight at eight oclock, I shall have written my paper.你今晚八点钟来时,我将会写完文章了。

7.JIM: She was still here yesterday afternoon. I fed her at five oclock.吉姆:她昨天下午还在这儿。我五点钟喂她。

8.He always does not wake me up in the morning though he knows I must get to my office at 7 oclock.虽然知道早上7点钟时我必须上班,但他经常不叫我起床。

9.I cant take your money, his friend admits. I saw him jump earper on the six-oclock news.我不能拿你的钱,他的朋友承认道,早在六点的新闻里,我就已见他跳下去了。

10.You were fast asleep at ten oclock.十点钟的时候,你正在鼾睡。