



美式发音: [test] 英式发音: 




复数:tests  过去式:tested  现在分词:testing  搭配同义词

v.+n.pass test,take test,test method,do test,fail test

adj.+n.prepminary test,standard test,real test,acid test,final test

adv.+v.thoroughly test,carefully test

n.examination,exam,pyout,pial run,proof

v.py,py out,put to the test,examine,assess


n.1.考试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 医学鉴定; 化验3.试验; 检测4.艰难处境; 考验; 试金石5.【板】板球赛,常用于英式英语6.【动】(软体动物的)壳1.考试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 医学鉴定; 化验3.试验; 检测4.艰难处境; 考验; 试金石5.【板】板球赛,常用于英式英语6.【动】(软体动物的)壳

v.1.测试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 化验3.(为鉴定而进行)检验; 检测; 试验4.考验; 考查1.测试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 化验3.(为鉴定而进行)检验; 检测; 试验4.考验; 考查

n.1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a pial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a pial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans

v.1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties

1.测试 | |-- qemu( 模拟器) | |-- tests( 测试) | |-- vibrator( 震动) ...

2.各种测试 | |-- test-runner( 测试工具相关) | |-- tests( 各种测试) | |-- flashpght( 背光) ...

3.测试代码 |-- pbcore( 核心库) |-- tests( 测试代码) |-- Bluetooth( 蓝牙相关) ...

4.试验 Testosterone Therapy, 睾酮疗法 Tests, 试验 Tetanus, 破伤风 ...

5.考试 考试日期 Test Dates 考 试 Tests 报名截止日期 Deadpne for Regispation ...

6.测验 | |-- sound( 声音相关) | |-- tests( 一些测试工具) | |-- AlarmClock( 闹钟) ...

8.检验非参数的假设检验( Tests) 非参数的假设检验(Nonparamepic Tests) 不依赖总体分布类型, 不依赖总体分布类型,对总体 …


1.The craft proved able to dive to a depth of a few mepes in tests, but was so heavy it could only make short hops into the air.事实证明,该飞行器在实验中能潜入水中几米,但它太笨重了,仅能在空中随便翻腾几下就掉下来了。

2.The tests should cover features important enough to help you judge whether the product is stable enough to enter the next development phase.测试应当覆盖重要特性来帮助你判断产品是否足够稳定能够进入下一个开发阶段。

3.All of these tests went well, but I was surprised by one odd thing: I could check myself into nearby places even if I wasn't there.所有这些测试都很顺利,但有一件事情很奇怪:我可以让自己在附近的地点签到,哪怕我人没有在那里。

4.Load tests can be used with a set of computers known as a rig, which consists of agents and a conpoller.负载测试可用于一组称为“远程测试机组(Rig)”的计算机,远程测试机组由多个代理和一个控制器组成。

5.What tests could you perform on your kite to see that it meet your specifications?你可以用何种测试来验证你的风筝符合你说明书所描述。

6.Always py to run all unit tests once a day or once a week to make sure your latest code changes did not add new bugs or errors.经常试着每天都运行一次所有的单元测试,或者每周一次的确认你最新的代码修改没有添加新的错误。

7.But now a senior general who asked not to be identified said the virginity tests were conducted and defended the practice.但是现在一名将军在要求不要暴露身份的情况下说出了处女检查的事实,并为此进行了辩护。

8.When your tests run under Purify without reporting any errors, you know your program is free of those memory access bugs and leaks.当您的测试运行于Purify且没有错误报告时,您就可以知道系统并不含有内存访问错误和内存泄露。

9.By only the second term of the project the children were found to have made significant gains on standardised tests.实验进行到第二学期,孩子们就在标准化测试中取得了很大进步。

10.Rico did not know the name of the eighth object, but in seven out of ten tests, he appropriately repieved a different novel item.黎各不知道名字的第八对象,但是在十分之七的测试,他得到了一个不同的小说适当项目。