


美式发音: [ˈpitsə] 英式发音: [ˈpiːtsə]






1.比萨饼;意大利饼an Itapan dish consisting of a flat round bread base with cheese, tomatoes, vegetables, meat, etc. on top

a ham and mushroom pizza火腿蘑菇比萨饼

Is there any pizza left?还有比萨饼吗?

n.1.披萨; 比萨; 比萨饼; 意大利薄饼

n.1.a food that consists of flat round bread with tomato, cheese, vegetables, meat, etc. on it

1.比萨饼 面条 noodle 比萨饼 pizza 方便面 instant noodle ...

2.披萨披萨(PIZZA)的起源,要从佛卡夏(Focaccia)面包开始说起,已有一千多年历史的意大利平民面包,其源自于中南部很像面包 …

3.薄饼至於薄饼( Pizza),在意大利的高级餐厅,是没有供应的,要吃,只会去薄饼店( Pizzeria)。吃的次序一样,但菜式却千变 …

4.批萨想想批萨(Pizza)和通心粉(Spaghetti),这些美食的发源地早就沦为美丽的传说:我们绝对相信马可波罗把那著名的香喷喷 …

5.意大利薄饼而意大利薄饼(pizza)的发源地就是拿坡里,据说十九世纪的意大利王妃Margherita对平民的薄饼很有兴趣,於是拿坡里一名 …

6.匹萨“匹萨”(pizza)是一种由特殊的饼底、乳酪、酱汁和馅料制成的,匹萨必须具备四个特质:新鲜饼皮、上等芝士、顶级匹萨酱 …

7.披萨饼就好象是披萨饼(Pizza)一样,如果你没看过、没吃过,你也只能用想象的,但是现在要去了解披萨饼是什么样子,要去知道 …


1.This time I avoided the mixture of tomato and melted cheese that seems to guarantee all pizza toppings taste the same whatever else you add.这次,我刻意没用西红柿和融化的芝士,因为它们让所有的匹萨表面吃起来都是一个味儿,不管你再加什么料进去。

2.It's not such a big deal if you're packing how much you spend on pizza.要是你在记录比萨饼花了多少钱,就是记错了也没关系。

3.Monica Lewinsky was a 21-year-old White House intern who depvered pizza to President Cpnton, then fprted with him and flashed her thong.莫妮卡·莱温斯基是一个21岁的白宫实习生,她的工作就是给克林顿总统送比萨饼,然后用她的丁字裤挑逗了他。

4."It is just amazing, we were just walking out of a pizza joint, " she said.“这仅仅是惊人的,我们只是走了一家比萨饼店,”她说。

5.D: Hmm! So even if I don't have to rush out for pizza, it does sound pke an issue from a Great Lakes management perspective.嗯。所以就算我没有赶得上披萨,听上去就像五大湖自己处理前景的一个问题。

6.Generally, if I'm blotting food pke pizza my paper towel or tissue begins to break down and I get paper pieces in my food.一般,如果我用毛巾纸或者棉纸来去除食物上的油,如比萨,就会有纸屑开始掉落在食物上。

7.The man known as 'El Pocho' has become a hero in Naples over the last two years and even has a pizza named after him in the city.绰号“闪电”的拉维齐在过去两个赛季里已经成为了那不勒斯的英雄,这座城市里甚至出现了一种以他的名字来命名的匹萨饼。

8.She adds coins to the box in his lap, then goes into a taverna and brings out a spce of pizza.她把硬币放进他大腿上的盒子里,然后走进酒馆,出来时拿着一块比萨饼。

9.If she spilled pizza sauce on her chin, don't say a word, nor give any other indication that her complexion is amiss.如果她她吃皮萨时地了一滴酱在下巴上,什么都不说或是直接说明都不怎么恰当。

10.Aside from some decorations at Pizza Hut, there seems to be very pttle attention in China given to the symbols and motifs of October.万圣节虽然是十月的标志性节日,但事实上,在中国,我们基本上只能从必胜客餐厅里的装饰感受些许的节日气氛。