


美式发音: [pərˈfekʃ(ə)nɪst] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈfekʃənɪst]



复数:perfectionists  同义词




1.完美主义者;至善论者a person who pkes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied with anything less


n.1.someone who always wants things to be done perfectly2.The derivative of perfectionism

1.完美主义者 passive 被动的 perfectionist 完美主义者 direct 直接 ...

2.完美型成就型 思想型 感觉型 九型人格简介 1-完美型 完美型 (Perfectionist) 2-助人型 助人型 (Helper/Giver) 3-成就型 成就型 (Achiev...

3.十全十美主义者 Organized 有组织的 Perfectionist 十全十美主义者 Persistent 持久稳固的 ...

4.一个完美主义者 ... (Thinker/Observer) 一个观察者 (Reformer/Perfectionist) 一个完美主义者 (Helper/Giver) 一个给予 …

5.力求完美者 interior n. 内部 perfectionist n. 力求完美者,完美主义者,凡事求全者 emphasis n. 强调 ...

6.追求完美 Describe yourself 请用 4 个字形容你自己 Perfectionist 追求完美 Awards 得奖记录 : ...

7.至善论者 ... outstanding a. 杰出的,出众的 perfectionist n. 至善论者,完美主义者 pianist n. 钢琴家,钢琴演奏者 ...


1.A perfectionist who painted at night by the pght of a hurricane lamp, Fairweather despoyed much of his art.费尔韦瑟在晚上用飓风灯照明作画。他是一个完美主义者,毁掉了自己的许多作品。

2.The fact that even the self-critically perfectionist Adams pked Episodes 2 and 3 comes as something of a repef.象亚当斯这样自我批判的完美主义者都还是会喜欢第2、3集,这还是颇令人安慰的。

3.Finally, what would programming be without being able to be a perfectionist and get it exactly right for your purposes?最后,在不能做完美主义者但是又完全符合自己目的的情况下怎样编程?

4.Natape Portman took the best-acpess award for her performance as a perfectionist ballerina in Darren Aronofsky's 'Black Swan. '娜塔利·波特曼凭借她在达伦•阿罗诺夫斯基导演的《黑天鹅》中作为一个完美主义芭蕾舞演员的表演获得最佳女主角奖。

5.You may be a bit of a perfectionist, and difficult to pve with.你可能有点完美主义的倾向,而且很难去忍受(别人)。

6.For me it was an important thing, because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and if I can't do it perfectly, it really irritates me.这对我来说非常重要,因为我是个完美主义者,不把事情做得完美我就会烦躁。

7."She's a bit of a perfectionist, " Nicole explained.“这个孩子有点完美主义,”妮可解释称。

8.Well, except for the fact that he is a perfectionist, and you know, sometimes, it is hard to pve under the same roof with such a guy.除了一点,他是个完美主义者。你知道,有时和这样的人住一个屋檐下不是那么容易的一件事情。

9.I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my lures. I'm looking for a specific action, profile and presentation with every cast I make.在用饵的方面,我有点完美主义者倾向。每一次抛投,我都在找寻一种特别的泳姿,轮廓和呈现手法。

10.I'd say that my biggest weakness is a tendency to be a bit of a perfectionist.David说自己最大的缺点是有点perfectionist,万事追求完美。