


美式发音: [ˈteɪb(ə)lˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈteɪb(ə)lˌweə(r)]




n.crockery,dinner service,tea service,cutlery,glassware



1.(商店用语)餐具the word used in shops/stores, etc. for items that you use for meals, such as plates, glasses, knives and forks


n.1.things such as knives, forks, dishes, etc. that you use when you are having a meal

1.餐具 TOOL 刀具 TABLEWARE 餐具 OTHER 其他 ...

2.食具 食管〖 esophagus;oesophagus〗 食具〖 tableware〗 食客〖 sponger〗 ...

3.餐具类 茶具类 Tea-things 餐具类 Tableware 家具类 Furniture ...

4.餐具系列 花盆 \ Flowerpot ◇餐具系列 \ Tableware ◇酒店瓷系列 \ Hotel porcelain ...

5.餐厨用具 相关买家: 办公文具; Office Stationery; 相关买家: 餐厨用具; Kitchenware;Tableware; 相关买家: 玩具; toy; ...

6.儿童餐具 ... 造型围兜 Design Bib 儿童餐具 Tableware 趣味/益智玩具 Learning Toy ...

7.厨房餐具 Jewellery & Ornaments 金饰珠宝‧首饰 Kitchenware & Tableware 厨房餐具 Labour & Foreign Worker 劳工‧外劳 ...

8.派对餐饮类 ... 01 派对礼仪类— Invitations 02派对餐饮类— Tableware 03 派对装饰类— Decoratio…


1.Put the tableware which wants to wash goes into a sink first to put again to quickly flush into another sink after wash clearly.把要洗的食具先放入一个水槽洗净后,再放入另一个水槽快速冲洗。

2.a complete set of stainless-steel taBleware, smooth to the touch and easy to clean, is indeed a cook's good mate.全套不锈钢餐具,手感好,易清洗,厨师的好伙伴。

3.Tableware ceramic tableware as an important part, should be in the design throughout the design concept of modern people.陶瓷餐具作为餐具中重要的一部分,理应在设计中贯穿现代人们的设计理念。

4.State Office of the White House a second hall, with its beautiful decoration and elegant tableware is known.国宴厅是白宫第二大厅,以其华丽的装饰和精致的餐具著称。

5.Even high-end banquet, it was no more elegant tableware, decorated it more luxurious, food is still a kind.即使是高档的宴席,也不过是餐具更考究,布置更华贵而已,菜仍旧一个样。

6.If you wish me to leave, I would quickly remove the excessive tableware.如果您希望我离开的话,我现在就马上撤走多余的餐具。

7.a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it.吃饭的餐具放在上面的家具。

8.It has spuggled over the years, despite a revamp of its image away from fancy crockery and towards everyday tableware.尽管韦奇伍德已从一家精品陶器公司转型至日用餐具的供应商,但多年来却一直经营困难。

9.picnic baskets made of willow with pner and tableware inside. Take time out for a relaxing picnic in the park or even in your backyard.野餐篮取得的柳树与班轮运输和餐具内。抽出时间为一个轻松的野餐在公园里,甚至在你的后院。

10.One solution to this problem is not to use lead, even fritted , in tableware at all, a practice which I generally recommend.该问题的解决办法之一,就是一点也不使用铅,甚至在餐具的熔块釉中也不使用,我通常推荐这一做法。