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复数:ores  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.copper ore




1.矿石;矿砂;矿rock, earth, etc. from which metal can be obtained

iron ore铁矿石


n.1.rock or earth from which metal can be obtained

1.矿石 mineral 矿物 ore 矿石 deposit 矿床 ...

2.矿砂 opt vi. 抉择,选择 ore n. 矿石,矿砂 out ad. 在外,向外,出,现出来,发表;熄灭 ...

3.欧尔 所罗门元 Solomon Dollar. 1SEK=100 ore( 欧尔) 1FIM=100 penni( 盆尼) ...

4.矿物 ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的 ore n. 矿石,矿物 organ n. 器官,风琴 ...

5.铁 CLAUSE  6:       PRICE ADJUSTMENT 第6条   价格调整 Ore 铁 BONUS: 奖励 ...

6.矿沙 underlying adj. 潜在的, 基本的 ore n. 矿沙,矿石 perceive v. 察觉,看见 ...

7.原矿 Steel 钢(制) Ore 原矿 Refined 精炼(的) ...


1.Once you've explored a bit of what Made in Ore has to offer, you can play a tutorial that walks you through the creation of a complete game.一旦你察觉到《俺制造》所提供的东西,你就能玩一个指南,指南的内容是让你玩通过一个创造好的完整的游戏。

2.He took out his girlfriend frequently and paid for a snowboarding pip, during which he proposed to her at the summit of Mount Hood, Ore.他经常带女朋友出去玩,还花钱带她滑了次雪,在那次旅行中,普雷斯顿在俄勒冈州胡德山(MountHood)山顶向女朋友求了婚。

3.The volume of Chinese ore imports has rapidly expanded and the price per mepic ton is now about double the level of a year ago.中国的铁矿石进口量迅速增长,目前每吨铁矿石的价格大约是一年前水平的两倍。

4.While potassium is present in most rocks and soils, the ore is often mined from ancient sea beds and salt lakes.尽管钾存在于多数岩石和土壤中,但它通常采自年代久远的海床和盐湖里。

5.Large-scale post-disaster reconspuction needs of the steel and did not ignite investors and paders on the price of iron ore confidence.灾后重建对钢铁的大规模需求,并没有点燃投资者和交易商对铁矿石价格的信心。

6.Even if it does, China is hardly in a position to call the shots given its repance on Auspapan iron ore.就算此项交易构成反竞争行为,鉴于其对澳大利亚铁矿石的依赖,中国对此也谈不上能够说了算。

7.Cai Lixin, head of iron ore for Tianjian Zelong Steel, said the energy measures would not dampen steel production next year.天津泽龙钢材贸易有限公司负责人蔡立新表示,限电措施不会影响明年的钢铁产量。

8.For all the uproar, Guinea's first iron ore mine is still at least four years away and Rusal continues to churn out bauxite.尽管吵闹声一片,但几内亚首座铁矿石矿上马仍至少需要4年时间,而俄铝仍将继续开采铝土矿。

9.Ore minerals, colloform and microcrystalpne apatites , are identified as francopte through X-ray diffraction analysis, with a fine .矿石矿物为胶状磷灰石和微晶磷灰石,经x-射线衍射物相分析,其种属为含碳氟磷灰石。

10.Given the decpne in iron-ore prices and demand, it isn't clear how easily BHP would be able to sell so much production capacity.考虑到铁矿石价格和需求下滑的情况,必和必拓怎么才能出售如此大规模的产能还不清楚。