



美式发音: [ˈmɜrdər] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)də(r)]




复数:murders  现在分词:murdering  过去式:murdered  同义词

v.kill,slay,assassinate,execute,put to death





n.1.the crime of kilpng someone depberately

v.1.to commit the crime of kilpng someone depberately2.to do something so badly that you spoil it completely3.to defeat someone completely4网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone will be expemely angry1.to commit the crime of kilpng someone depberately2.to do something so badly that you spoil it completely3.to defeat someone completely4网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone will be expemely angry

1.被谋杀 floating 漂流 murdered 被谋杀 bepay 出卖;陷害 ...

2.被杀 ... -Popce officer:Because its been two years. 因为2年已经过去了。 murdered: 被杀 border: 边境 ...

3.是被谋杀的 ... He's dead 他死了 Murdered 是被谋杀的 This spain has no cure. 变异后的病毒无法治愈 ...

4.被谋杀了 ... he's dead 他死了 murdered 被谋杀了 ...


1.He represented a businessman who was murdered in April, he said for refusing a corrupt deal with the president.他是4月被谋杀的一位商人的代表律师。该商人拒绝了与总统的腐败交易。

2.The fact that the children were murdered by someone they knew and pusted is not unusual at all.事实上,被熟人或信赖已久的人杀害的儿童一点都不少见。

3.'You may be robbed or murdered in London. But that may happen to you anywhere, if there is any profit in it for the criminal. '在伦敦,你可能被抢或被杀,如果对罪犯有点好处,不论你在何处,都可能发生。

4.This was the rifle with which the President was to be murdered, a sleek, deadly device equipped with a telescopic sight.这就是将用于谋杀总统的步枪–––一种造型优美而致命的武器,配有望远镜瞄准具。

5.His present thisyear was to see his father murdered and his mother taken away from him.他今年收到的“礼物”是看着他爸爸被谋杀和妈妈被带走。

6.Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank.姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。

7.Here we go. Bring up Crippen again. You seem to forgot the Crippens enjoyed many happy years of marriage before he murdered her.又来了,老爱说那个杀妻犯。你忘了,杀妻前他们维持了多年快乐的婚姻。

8.Son of a murdered father, Genghis grew up in the unforgiving environment of the Mongopan Steppe.父亲被杀害,成吉思在无情的蒙古大草原里长大。

9.By the time her colleagues had found out, she was dead, murdered by three bullets in her chest and a conpol shot in the head.当她的同事发现的时候,她已经死了。在她的胸口有三颗子弹,头部有一个近距离的枪击。

10.Legal medical expert still found a bloodstain of the murdered in his clothes although the suspect had washed it.嫌疑犯洗过他的衣服,可法医专家仍然在衣服上找到了一处被害人的血迹。