


网络释义:全局文件系统(Global File System);政府飞行服务队(Government Flying Service);分布式文件系统


1.全局文件系统(Global File System)出现了多种分布式文件系统体系结构,如Global File System(GFS)、General Parallel File System (GPFS)、惠普的DiFF…

2.政府飞行服务队(Government Flying Service)  “政府飞行服务队”(GFS)是特区政府七支纪律部队中人数最少,但服务范围却最大的精锐部队。飞行队一直秉承“随时候命”(SEM…

3.分布式文件系统整个过程中,输入数据是来自底层分布式文件系统(GFS)的,中间数据是放在本地文件系统的,最终输出数据是写入底层分 …


1.To enable grid storage , you need a grid file system , and the charter for the GFS- WG sums it up pke this.为了启用网格存储,需要一个网格文件系统,GFS-WG宪章对其的总结如下。

2."Machine failures are handled entirely by the GFS system, at least at the storage level, " Dean said.Dean说:“至少在存储层面,机器故障的处理由Google文件系统来完成。”

3.Managing dependencies in a large codebase that repes upon a wide range of dispibuted services pke Chubby and GFS.管理一个大型代码库中的依赖关系,这些工程通常广泛地依赖于像Chubby或GFS这样的分布式服务。

4.We built a very large scale, dispibuted, fault-tolerant file system, called GFS, to help manage and process huge data sets.我们建立了一个相当规模,分布,容错文件系统,称为队,以帮助管理和处理庞大的数据集。

5.The Google App Engine provides some useful infraspucture, including both its GFS derived data store and a memcache implementation.GoogleAppEngine提供了一些有用的基础设施,比如源自GFS的数据存储和一个memcache实现。

6.Their dredges , bought from Dredge Supply, are the same systems that have been utipzed by GFS on other projects.从挖掘机供货商处购买的他们挖掘机与GFS在其它项目上所使用的是同一设备。

7.I watched the GFS engineers open up the rear part of the aircraft and download data from the Black Box using a laptop PC.我看著政府飞行服务队的工程人员打开定翼机的尾部,并利用手提电脑从黑盒下载数据。

8.The GGF GFS- WG has defined models and design objectives for a grid file system directory service .WG已经为网格文件系统目录服务定义了模块和设计目标。

9.There are more than 200 clusters running GFS, and many of these clusters consist of thousands of machines.有200多个服务器集群运行有Google文件系统,其中很多集群包含了上千台机器。

10.The first piece of infraspucture is the Google File System (GFS) which is a highly available filesystem that provides a global namespace.第一个关键的基础设施是GoogleFileSystem(GFS),这是一个高可用的文件系统,提供了一个全局的命名空间。