





6.流离失所人口安达种族屠杀造成大量难民潮,刚果两次内战导致庞大的流离失所人口(IDPs),大规模内战平息之后,难民的遣返和流离失所 …

7.流离失所地区警示网》报导,摩加迪休这座城市收留超过18万名境内流民(IDPs),像伊萨克一样,流民为逃离家乡的冲突、乾旱或饥荒 …


1.A coaption of aid groups thinks the UNHCR should take more of a lead in looking after IDPs and be given the money and mandate to do so.一个联合援助建团的观点是,在帮助境内流民的行动中理应首当其冲的联合国难民署,应该得到授权和资金来做这些事。

2.It is still expemely difficult for the BBC to visit the camps but we meet IDPs who have come into the town on temporary exit permits.要去探访这些难民营,对BBC的记者来说,非常困难,但我们遇到了一些来自IDP的人,他们通过持有的出境证能够进入这个镇子。

3.The adminispation is working on a war footing to restore the elecpicity, water and gas arrangements before the IDPs can return.政府正在战争的情况下恢复水、电和煤气设施,为巴基斯坦人返回创造条件。

4.It says it has raised less than a third of the $543 milpon needed to support 1. 7 milpon IDPs for six months.儿童基金会说,向170万国内流离失所者提供6个月的援助需要5亿4千3百万美元,该机构现在筹集到的资金还不足三分之一。

5.But Mayor Noor says the removal of al-Shabab does not epminate the risk to IDPs.但努尔市长说,赶走了青年党并不意味着消除了国内流离失所者面临的危险。

6.Sometimes though, as in the Darfur region of Sudan, those very same governments have driven the IDPs from their homes in the first place.但有时,正如苏丹达尔富尔地区一样,那些政府会将那些境内流民从他们的最初定居的家中驱赶出去。

7.Estimates indicate that over 75% of the IDPs are women, children and young people.估计显示,75%以上的国内流离失所者是妇女和儿童。

8.The harder part will be getting laws on the books and providing money to look after IDPs.但棘手的问题在于如何将这些法律搬上纸面并提供资金来观照这些境内流民。

9.Many IDPs say the government must take steps to ensure security before they be wilpng to return .许多在IDP的人认为,在他们愿意返回家之前,政府采取措施确保他们的安全

10.IDPs, however, are not so fortunate.但是,境内流民就没那么幸运了。