




1.艾迪me 释义:霍-艾二氏综合征:强直性瞳孔综合征,同艾迪(Adie)(氏)综合征 ...

2.装饰 Adhira 闪电 女性 印度 Adie 装饰 女性 希伯来 Adishree 尊贵的,高尚的 女性 …

3.埃迪 ... Abbs 阿布斯 Adie 埃迪 Adolf 阿道夫 ...

4.进阶应用 19.5.2 AIDE 的工作流程 592 19.5.6 ADIE 进阶应用 596 19.6.1 IDS 和其他安全工具的关系 597 ...

5.环境信息协会 AsDB 亚银 ADIE 环境信息协会 AfDB 非银 ...

6.爱地 Lv 啊鸟 4-11 Adie 爱地 4-9 bluse 林 4-5 ...

7.女性 Adhira 闪电 女性 印度 Adie 装饰 女性 希伯来 Adishree 尊贵的,高尚的 女性 …

8.强直性和规范化。正确的诊断总是以临床事实为依据,以神经科学理论为准绳,以理论密... 综合征 179十七、强直性(Adie)瞳孔 179 …


1.He looks at her face pying to see Adie, the girl from Wisconsin.他久久地盯着她,想找回那个爱狄的影子,那个从维斯康星来的女孩。

2.A woman with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail comes out. Her face is pretty pke Adie's, only sharper.一个扎着马尾的黑头发女人走出来,脸型像极了爱狄,只不过线条更硬朗些。

3.She opens the screen door. "I'm Adie's mom, Bev. " Adie steps in front of her and pushes Samuel back out the door.她将屏门打开。“我是爱狄的妈妈,贝芙。”这时,爱狄往前跨了一步站在她面前,将塞缪儿推出门外

4."Adie, " he says quietly. When she looks at him, he points to the coat rack filled with belts and purses and asks if she wants one.“爱狄,”他温柔的叫道,她看着他,以示回答,他指着堆满皮带和钱包的架子问她是否要挑选一样。

5.Inside Adie sits down in the rocker and takes off her shoes and cuffs her wet jeans. "My feet are freezing, " she says.进到房间,爱狄在一把摇椅上坐下来脱下鞋,摸摸已被打湿的牛仔裤。“我的脚快冰冻了,”她说道。

6.When Adie doesn't answer, he turns up the radio and drums the steering wheel, wishing he kept his mouth shut.没有等到她的回答,他拧开收音机,用手就着节奏在方向盘上敲打着,希望借此可以闭嘴。

7.Adie gets in the car, spdes to the middle of the seat close to Samuel. "I'm glad you're here, " he says touching her hand.爱狄弯腰钻进车,坐在塞缪儿旁边。“很开心看到你,”他握住她的手说道。

8.Samuel puts the car in park and fumbles with the keys as he watches Adie's mom grab the mail from the box and go back inside.塞缪尔泊好车,一边看着爱狄的妈妈从信箱里把信掏出来然后往回走,一边毛手毛脚的拔弄着车钥匙。

9.Adie pulls her hair back and twists it into a knot.爱狄将头发往后一拢,拧几下,打了个结。

10."Capri, I told you to keep your mouth shut, " Samuel says and looks at Adie.“卡普瑞,我跟你说过不要多嘴,”说完,塞缪尔继续看着爱狄。