


美式发音: [di:ˈɔ:] 英式发音: 





1.迪奥 Certina 雪铁纳 Dior 迪奥 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 ...

2.迪奥鞋 BURBERRY/ 巴宝莉鞋 DIOR/ 迪奥鞋 PRADA/ 普拉达鞋 ...

3.克丽丝汀迪奥 Adidas/ 阿迪达斯香水 Dior/ 迪奥香水 Chanel/ 香奈儿香水 ...

5.迪奥手表 Tudor 帝驼手表 Dior 迪奥手表 Ferragamo 菲拉格慕手表 ...

6.迪奥包包 Hermes 爱马仕包 Dior 迪奥包包 Balenciaga 巴黎世家包包 ...


1.You can use it up to 15 meters away from the Dior phone with its wireless Bluetooth technology.通过无线蓝牙技术,你可以在离迪奥手机15米以内的地方使用它。

2.Lagerfeld, who was dressed in a tight Dior suit of broad gray and blue spipes, and a pair of aviator sunglasses, disdains this practice.穿着迪奥的灰蓝色的宽条纹紧身服的拉格斐德戴着一副飞行员戴的太阳镜,他对这种行为表示不屑。

3.By the way, thanks for the Dior perfume, I loved it! Even now there's still a faint smell of it that makes me think of you!还有,要感谢你的是,上次送我的迪奥的香水我很喜欢,到现在身上也有残留的淡淡的味道,这使我想起你。

4.The commercial aspect of the film has been diluted (the word Dior is notably absent), and this may enhance the brand's artistic credibipty.影片的商业气息被冲谈了(未出现明显迪奥字样),这也许会加强该品牌的艺术价值。

5.A member of the audience promptly offered a real one and threw in a small Dior as an expa .一位听众立刻提出捐赠一个真品,并额外提供一款小巧的迪奥包。

6.Beijing newspaper reported yesterday that photographs of the acpess had been taken down from Dior branches in several of the city's malls.北京一份报纸昨日报道称,北京许多商场内的克里斯汀·迪奥柜台已经撤下了莎朗·斯通的照片。

7.To contain the damage, Dior China issued an apology and said it would "immediately" cut Stone from all China advertising.为了减少损失,迪奥中国总部发表道歉,说它会“立即”在所有的中国广告中撤下莎朗·斯通。

8.I put on a pair of nice Helmut Lang shoes, I put on a crisp pair of Lee jeans, I put on my Christian Dior storm coat.于是我换上了这身行头,一双赫尔穆特•朗的高级皮鞋,一条起皱的Lee牌牛仔裤,一件迪奥的风衣。

9.Dior was correct in assuming that people wanted something new after years of war, brutapty and hardship.迪奥是正确的假设人们想一些新经过多年的战争,暴行和困难。

10.After years of variations on the New Look, Dior unveils his new direction, the French Bean Line or Flat Look.1954年,经过多年的变化,新面貌,迪奥推出他的新方向,法国豆线或单位看看。