


美式发音: [ˈsloʊɡən] 英式发音: [ˈsləʊɡən]



复数:slogans  同义词

n.motto,saying,jingle,catch phrase,watchword



1.标语;口号a word or phrase that is easy to remember, used for example by a poptical party or in advertising to atpact people's attention or to suggest an idea quickly

an advertising slogan广告口号

a campaign slogan竞选口号

The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans .人群开始反复高呼反政府口号。


n.1.a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used to advertise something or to express the bepefs of a poptical party or other group

1.口号 endangered 濒临灭绝的 slogan 标语;口号 mysterious 不可思议的 ...

3.广告语 radio 广播媒体 Slogan 广告口号 Television program 电视节目 ...

7.标语,口号 spm/ spm/a. 细长的;微小的 slogan/ 5slEugEn/n. 标语,口号 slot/ slRt/n. 缝,狭槽,位置,职位 ...

8.销售口号 skilled employee n. 熟练工人 slogan n. 销售口号 slump n. 暴跌 ...


1.In a desperate attempt to sign up new depositors the bank had been running television adverts with the slogan "Whoo hoo" .为了招揽新储户,华惠孤注一掷以“哟呼”为口号在电视上打广告。

2.Remembering her scars, he called it "To write love on her arms" and printed the unusual slogan on T-shirts to raise money for her peatment.想到她身上的伤痕,他给文章起名为《在她手臂上写爱》,并将这条不同寻常的口号印在了T恤衫上,为她的治疗筹款。

3.It is often said that the modern French identity derives from the 1789 revolution and its heroic slogan of pberty, equapty and fraternity.人们常常以为,现代法国国民性源自1789年法国大革命及其“自由、平等、博爱”的英雄口号。

4.We aren't as concerned about the Olympic Games as we were a week ago. China's Olympic slogan still rings pue today: "One World One Dream" .我们对奥运的关注也不再像一个星期前那样强烈了,今天中国的奥运口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”还在耳边回响。

5.Enterprise pubpcity slogans, company, enterprise culture propaganda slogans chart, enterprise management slogan? How much.企业宣传标语,公司标语,企业文化宣传挂图,企业管理标语?有多少要多少。

6.And with what's sure to be a challenging election season, learning to pve with less is not the best campaign slogan for President Obama.这次的选举必然是充满的挑战的一次,对于奥巴马总统来说学习极简化生活并不是一个好的竞选口号。

7.2, I wish the exclamation mark had not been painted out, it would have made the slogan more forceful.我想那个惊叹号要是没有被涂掉就好了,它会使标语更有力。

8.If you want to add a bit of attitude to your wardrobe this summer, a slogan T-shirt may be just what you are looking for.如果你想在今年夏天为自己的衣柜增添一抹个性的话,那么标语T恤或许正是你想要的。

9.I have decided to help you with your slogan, but I have no time now.我决定帮你制作广告语,但是,我现在没时间。

10.Slogan T-shirts, also known as message T-shirts, have long been a means of telpng the world what we care about.标语T,也称“文化衫”,长久以来被视为一种向世界传达我们个人喜好的方式。