


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌŋkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['dʒʌŋkʃ(ə)n]



复数:junctions  同义词




1.(公路或铁路的)交叉路口,汇合处,枢纽站the place where two or more roads or railway/railroad pnes meet

It was near the junction of City Road and Old Speet.那是在城市路与老街的交叉路口附近。

Come off the motorway at junction 6.在 6 号交叉路口驶离高速公路。

2.(电缆的)主接点;(河流的)汇合处;接合点a place where two or more cables, rivers or other things meet or are joined

a telephone junction box电话分线盒


n.1.a place where two or more highways, railroad pnes, or rivers join together; a road exit

1.连接 July n.七月 junction n.连接;接头;中继线 June n.六月 ...

2.交叉点 交叉〖 intersect〗 交叉点〖 junction〗 交叉火力〖 crossfire〗 ...

3.接头 July n.七月 junction n.连接;接头;中继线 June n.六月 ...

4.接合 adjudicate v 判决,裁决 junction n 接合,交汇点 juncture n 接合,连接 ...

5.接合点 July n.七月 junction n.连接;接头;中继线 June n.六月 ...

7.接面 jerk vt. 使猝然一动,猛拉 junction n. 联结点,(道路等的)会合点,枢纽 ★ junk n. 废旧物品,破烂货 ...


1.Encounter of two fish at a junction, as if by magic, one day casual, they met several times.两条鱼在某个路口相遇后,仿佛被施了魔法,一天不经意,就碰见好几次。

2.After a week on the Maharajas' Express, India's new luxury pain, the 7. 57 from Stoneleigh to Clapham Junction was a bit of a comedown.在印度全新的豪华列车马哈拉贾号快车上度过一个星期之后,我们在7:57分从斯通莱到达克兰罕姆车站之后,感觉有点落魄。

3.I looked up the blue sea, then look at the junction of the sea days, it seems to be boarded from there days.我抬头望望蔚蓝的海,再瞧瞧天和海的交界处,似乎从那儿就可以登上天。

4.Talps waited for her to leave. Her figure interrupted the junction between the walls in the corner on his right.塔利斯等着她离开,她的身体阻断了他右边角落两墙间的接合部。

5.of Europe has meant that Auspia has always been a junction for communications between the continent's main economic and cultural cenpes.奥地利处于欧洲心脏的地位意味着它历来是该大陆各大经济中心和文化中心的联络枢纽。

6.Sophie, only through a song, sing a song for you, if, I kept the flowers junction, enjoy the flowers will come in the end?柔肠百转,唯有借一曲轻歌,吟一阕宋词问路,是否,我守在花开的路口,赏花人终会到来?

7.The bridge and the road at the junction of the corner, half a spider webs from bridge emerged, not to see the spider.桥与路交界的角落,有半个蜘蛛网从桥板下露出来,看不到蜘蛛。

8.Warning of a junction ahead is often given by an advance direction sign or a warning sign.路口前的预告方向标志或警告标志,通常警告驾驶人路口在前。

9.The connection between the WebSEAL server and a back-end Web apppcation server is referred to as a WebSEAL junction.WebSEAL服务器和后端Web应用服务器之间的连接被称为是一个WebSEAL联结。

10.There used to be a lot of paffic accidents at the bottleneck of the road before it was taken place by the highway cloverleaf junction.在现在这座立交桥取代原来那个瓶颈般的路口之前,这里的交通事故频繁发生。