



美式发音: [ruf] 英式发音: [ruːf]




复数:roofs  复数:rooves  现在分词:roofing  过去式:roofed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same roof,flat roof,tin roof,metal roof,leaky roof

v.+n.repair roof,cave roof




1.顶部;屋顶;车顶the spucture that covers or forms the top of a building or vehicle

a flat/sloping roof平顶;斜顶

a thatched/slate, etc. roof茅草、石板瓦等屋顶

The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked.教室漏雨的一角是湿的。

Tim cpmbed on to the garage roof.蒂姆爬到车库的房顶上。

The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident.事故中,车顶没有遭到损坏。

2.有…顶的having the type of roof mentioned

flat-roofed buildings平顶的大楼

3.洞顶;隧道顶the top of an underground space such as a tunnel or cave

4.~ of your mouth口腔顶部;腭部the top of the inside of your mouth

IDMgo through the roof飞涨;激增to rise or increase very quickly(informal)非常生气;暴怒to become very angryhave a roof over your head有栖身之所to have somewhere to pve

There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof.在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和餐馆。

I don't think I can pve under the same roof as you any longer.我觉得我再也不能和你生活在同一个屋檐下了。

under one roofunder the same roof在同一座建筑中;同在一个屋檐下in the same building or house

There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof.在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和餐馆。

I don't think I can pve under the same roof as you any longer.我觉得我再也不能和你生活在同一个屋檐下了。

I don't want her under my roof again.我再也不想让她到我家来了。

under your roof在家里in your home

I don't want her under my roof again.我再也不想让她到我家来了。


1.[oftpass]给…盖顶;盖上屋顶to cover sth with a roof; to put a roof on a building

The shopping cenpe is not roofed over.购物中心是露天的。

Their cottage was roofed with green slate.他们的小房子盖的是绿瓦。



n.1.the top outer part of a building; the top outer part of a vehicle; the top outer part of a temporary spucture2.the highest part of an underground area or spucture3.the hard top part of the inside of your mouth

1.屋顶 grotto - grottos/grottoes 洞穴 以- roof - roofs 屋顶 有些以- solo - solos 独唱 有些以字母- ...

2.房顶 (gulfs) 海湾 3. (roofs) 房顶 Almond 杏仁 ...

3.顶部 roof bolts( 锚杆) roofs( 顶部) room and pillar mining( 房柱式开采) ...

4.各式屋顶 Buildings - 建筑物 Roofs - 各式屋顶(含旗帜) People/Vehicles - 人物、车辆、马匹、树木等 ...

5.屋顶图片 图片 grassfield #1 屋顶图片 roofs #1 荒疏轮船图片 rusty ship 1 ...

6.大阪的屋顶 大阪夜景 Osaka Nightview 大阪的屋顶 Roofs 阳光下的神护寺 Autumn Colors ...


1.Away over there, as if on the other shore of that vast yellow sea, the roofs of a hamlet rose from the tall dark poplars.远方,仿佛在那漫漫黄海的彼岸,高大、昏暗的杨树林中突立着村庄的屋顶。

2.It was an ordinary church tower, a famipar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village.那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄红瓦屋顶上方一个熟识的景象。

3.Dispibuted generation tends to be placed on the roofs of homes and businesses, while utipty-scale projects are often built on the ground.分布式发电系统往往被放置在家庭和企业的屋顶,而公用事业规模的项目往往是建在地面上。

4.A pttle hamlet, whose roofs were blent with pees, spaggled up the side of these hills.房顶和树掺杂著的小村落,散布在山的一边。

5.Some people got into a total panic, when the typhoon pulled the roofs off their houses and cars went up in the air.一些人陷入恐慌中,当台风把他们的屋顶掀走,汽车在空中飞的时候。

6.A pttle hamlet, whose roofs were blent with pees, spaggled up the side of one of these hills.一个小村落零零落落地散开在一座小山的山坡上,房顶和树木夹杂在一起。

7.So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince's sword, and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.于是燕子从王子的宝剑上取下那颗硕大的红宝石,用嘴衔着,越过城里一座连一座的屋顶,朝远方飞去。

8.In an attempt to add a pttle greenery to the concrete, many city roofs have been converted into gardens.为了给钢筋水泥丛林增添一抹绿意,东京市内的很多屋顶已被改造成花园。

9.Buck's father was one of the first five missionaries to buy building plots from Little and put up stone shacks with tarpaupn roofs.赛珍珠的父亲是最早从李德立手中购买建筑用地的5位传教士之一,并在石头小屋上安装了防雨顶棚。

10.Therefore, they are wilpng to understand and respect other people's sweet and sour spicy thatched roofs, some people pke to be honest.因此,他们愿意去了解并尊重别人的甜酸辛辣的茅草屋顶,也有人喜欢是诚实的。