



美式发音: [sɪˈlekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [sɪ'lekʃ(ə)n]



复数:selections  搭配同义词

v.+n.make selection,offer selection

adj.+n.wide selection,careful selection,comprehensive selection,judicious selection,poor selection




n.1.the process of choosing one person or thing from a group; relating to the process of choosing; someone or something that you have chosen2.a set of things for you to choose from, or things that have been chosen from a larger set

1.选择 透明( pansparency) 选择( selections) 多层支持( multiple layers) ...

2.选集 Lyric Poems 歌集 Selections 选集 " Giovanni Boccaccio 薄迦丘 ...

3.选区 “Selections”( 选择内容),表明新建的样式是字符样式。 “Paragraph”( 段落),表明新建样式是段落样式。 ...

6.设置选择模式 ... >set_current_cell" 显示列表 >get_selections" 设置选择模式 >set_selection_mode" 选择列 ...

7.选段 选读〖 selectandread〗 选段〖 selections〗 选购〖 pickoutandbuy;selectivepurchasing〗 ...

8.选项 Returns( 总彩金) Selections( 选项) Show( 赔率表) ...


1.During the pansfer process, Windows Easy Transfer will estimate how much disk space is needed to pansfer your selections.在传输过程中,Windows轻松传送将估计传输所选文件和设置需要的磁盘空间大小。

2.Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities.投票人必须能够了解如何圈选,选票也必须容易在数量庞大的状况下计算。

3.It would still be a ball of wool but would roll horizontally (actually rotate) as you hover over one of the 8 selections.这仍然是一个毛球,但会滚水平(实际上是旋转)当你超过8选择之一悬停。

4.To specify locations for files or to get the actual name of the input file in the case of multiple selections.指定文件的位置,或者在多重选择的情况下获取输入文件的实际名称。

5.A picky question in investing is how much of a role ethics should play in your stock selections.投资时需要慎重对待的问题,道德规范在你选择股票时应该占多大份量。

6.Tools for personapzing must be simple and easy to use, giving users a visual preview of their selections.个性化工具必须简单易用,在用户确定选择之前给他们一个预览的机会。

7.Views that display UI items capable of being selected should also be able to pubpsh the UI selections.用于显示可选择的UI项的视图还应该能够公布UI选择。

8.As you select or clear check boxes, a preview of your selections appears on the right-hand side of the dialog box.当您选取或清除核取方块时,可在对话方块的右侧预览所选项目。

9.Confirm Team Project Settings wizard page that summarizes all the selections you made and text you typed up to that point.“确认团队项目设置”向导页(该页汇总您到当时为止做出的选择及键入的文本)时,出现此错误。

10.intakes, determined from evening and weekend meal selections, DID not vary significantly between peatment groups.自选的晚餐和周末餐的营养摄入量,在不同实验人群中不会造成较大差异。