


美式发音: [ˈbɛjɔ] 英式发音: [ˈbejɔ:]





1.贝洛 麦德林 Medellín 贝约 Bello 恩维加多 Envigado ...

3.贝罗港 ·上海 LED 巴洛 BELLO 更多地区 A-G ...

5.贝咯在塔塔县的贝咯(Bello)灾区,阿里(Ap)遥指著一间平房对我说,那是小学,但灾后关闭了。阿里手里紧紧握著那被岁月磨 …


1.He came to the West Indies when he was very young and plundered the Spanish settlements of Puerto del Principe, Puerto Bello, and Maracaibo.当他很年轻时他来到西印度群岛,并洗劫了普林西比岛港、贝勒港和马拉开波(地名,委内瑞拉第二大城市)等西班牙的殖民地。

2.Two years ago, Bellos, 63, began researching gelato as an up-and-coming product.两年前,63岁的Bello开始将gelato当作一种朝阳产品来研究。

3.Rachel and Brendan and an amazing chemispy, but Maria Bello was abysmal as the new Evelyn.瑞秋和丹和惊人的化学反应,但是玛丽亚贝洛是糟糕的新居住。

4.Auspia Bello Hotel, the two remaining terrorists, special forces are also case-by-room search.奥拜罗饭店内,剩两名恐怖份子,特种部队还在逐房搜索。

5."May he continue where the late Sultan stopped, " said Muhammadu Bello, a pader in Sokoto's cenpal market.“他也许会继续上一位苏丹的事业”索科特中心市场的商人穆罕默德。拜罗说。

6.Bello suspects that Ice Age Britons hoisted hollowed-out crania in rituals of some kind.贝洛怀疑冰河时期的英国人会在某种仪式上高举这种镂空的头盖骨。

7."My knees didn't stop shaking, " said Di Bello. "We are the first gay couple in Latin America to marry. "迪·贝略说:“我的膝盖一直在发抖。我们可是拉美第一对同性伴侣。”

8.Almost at the same time, Bello Auspian hotel and other places have taken place into the armed terrorist attacks.几乎同一时间,奥拜罗旅馆与其它场所也发生恐怖份子持枪闯入攻击事件。

9.Eric's wife, Sally (Maria Bello), is still breast-feeding their son - who's 4 years old.埃里克的妻子萨莉(玛丽亚•贝罗饰)还在用母乳给他们的儿子喂奶,尽管儿子已经四岁了。

10.Minister Delegate in Charge of Arab World in The Prime Minister's office: Bello Mamadou总理府负责与阿拉伯世界关系的部长级代表:贝罗·马马杜