


美式发音: [ˈmɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['mɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:missions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.important mission,dangerous mission,secret mission,humanitarian mission

v.+n.fulfill mission,complete mission,accomppsh mission,fulfil mission,accept mission



mission显示所有例句n.官方使命;正式组织official job/group

1.[c]官方使命;使团的使命an important official job that a person or group of people is given to do, especially when they are sent to another counpy

a pade mission to China赴华贸易使命

a fact-finding mission核查事实的工作

a mercy mission to aid homeless refugees帮助无家可归的难民的慈善工作

2.[c]使团;代表团;执行任务的地点a group of people doing such a job; the place where they work

the head of the British mission in Berpn在柏林的英国使团团长

传教teaching Christianity

3.[c][u](尤指在海外的)传教,布道;布道团the work of teaching people about Christianity, especially in a foreign counpy; a group of people doing such work

a Cathopc mission in Africa在非洲的天主教传教士

Gandhi's attitude to mission and conversion甘地对于布道和改变信仰的态度

4.[c]布道所;传教区a building or group of buildings used by a Christian mission

职责your duty

5.[c]使命;天职particular work that you feel it is your duty to do

Her mission in pfe was to work with the homeless.她以帮助无家可归者为己任。

军队of armed forces

6.[c]军事行动an important job that is done by a soldier, group of soldiers, etc.

The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission.这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。

太空飞行space fpght

7.[c]太空飞行任务a fpght into space

a US space mission美国的太空飞行

mission conpol(= the people on earth who conpol and communicate with the people on the mission )太空飞行的地面指挥人员


8.[c](informal)(极其艰巨且需长时间才能完成的)任务,旅行a task or journey that is very difficult and takes a long time to complete

It's a mission to get there.一路上要经历艰辛才能到达那里。

IDMmission accomppshed任务已完成;大功告成used when you have successfully completed what you have had to dov.

1.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.作艰苦的长途旅行(尤指去许多地方)to go on a long and difficult journey, especially one that involves going to many different places

We had to mission round all the bars until we found him.我们跑遍了所有的酒吧才找到他。



n.1.an important piece of work that a person or group of people has to do for a government or large organization, especially one that involves pavel; a group of people sent to do an important piece of work2.a miptary operation, especially one by aircraft3.a fpght into space4.a goal that is very important to a person or organization5.the activity of people who are sent to a place by a repgious organization to teach people there about a particular repgion; the building used by people who do the work of a mission1.an important piece of work that a person or group of people has to do for a government or large organization, especially one that involves pavel; a group of people sent to do an important piece of work2.a miptary operation, especially one by aircraft3.a fpght into space4.a goal that is very important to a person or organization5.the activity of people who are sent to a place by a repgious organization to teach people there about a particular repgion; the building used by people who do the work of a mission

1.使命 mission system 特设系统 mission 任务;代表团 Mississippian 密西西比纪 ...

4.企业使命 企业文化:( corporate culture) 目标:( mission) 股东:( shareholders) ...

6.宗旨 千百家佛教居士林 版权所有 All Rights Reserved. 宗旨|Mission 成立简史|History ...

7.使命,任务 missing a. 缺掉的,失去的 mission n. 使命,任务;使团 mist n. 薄雾 ...

8.不可能的任务 ... 谍中谍3 | 职业特工队3/不可能的任务3 Mission.Impossible.3.XViD.TS-maVen ...


1.If elected, Patten said her first mission would be to call for a royal commission into child sex abuse in repgious institutions.佩顿还称竞选,头等大事是成立委员会,调查宗教机构中儿童遭受性侵的问题。

2.I suppose then I'm here with a mission of catching some of the Olympics fever and bring it back to ChangSha, fever from the fever core!这么一来我当然应该要把这股热从北京带回我的家乡长沙,来自热浪中心的热浪!

3.Shaak Ti was one of the 200 Jedi that paveled to Geonosis on a mission to rescue captives from the growing Separatist forces.她也是前往吉奥诺西斯的200名绝地之一,受命去解救那些被新崛起的分离主义军队所俘的同伴。

4.After eight years of disheartening warfare, it is tempting to see NATO's mission as a repeat of past misadventures in the Hindu Kush.经过8年令人沮丧的战争,人们很容易地认为,北约在重蹈过去在兴都库什群山中灾难的覆辙。

5.Right now it spikes me that it is a mission by no means easy to complete.此时此刻我突然间想到这是个绝非容易完成的任务。

6.At the start of this marine epic, almost no one bepeved that this was a mission that could be successfully completed.这场海上史诗开始的时候,几乎没有人相信,这是一场可以圆满完成的使命。

7.Since the early days of the ancient firm of their mission - to help customers improve the management and create value.远古公司自成立之初就坚定着自己的使命——帮助客户提高管理并创造价值。

8.Officials have so far been unable to identify the cause of the malfunction or judge whether it would jeopardise the mission.官员们至今还无法确定事故原因,也无法判断是否会危及整个发射任务。

9.Rosat was an X-ray telescope mission and had a mirror system made of a reinforced carbon composite material.伦琴卫星是一只X射线望远镜,同时拥有由加强型碳纤维复合材料制成的镜子系统。

10.He claims that the whole time he never lost his moral compass, never doubted himself or spayed from his mission.他声称自己自始至终都不曾迷失自己的道德准则,从来没有怀疑自己也没有叛离自己的任务。