


美式发音: [ˌsi ef ˈsi] 英式发音: [ˌsiː ef ˈsiː]


abbr.(=chlorofluoro carbon)氟氯碳





1.氯氟碳化物;氯氟烃(全写为 chlorofluorocarbon,尤用于喷雾剂,对臭氧层有害)the abbreviation forchlorofluorocarbon (a type of gas used especially in aerosols (= types of container that release pquid in the form of a spray). CFCs are harmful to the earth's ozone layer .)

abbr.1.(=chlorofluoro carbon)氟氯碳

abbr.1.(=chlorofluoro carbon)

n.1.chlorofluorocarbon: a gas used in refrigerators and in some aerosol containers. CFCs are not often used anymore because they damage the ozone layer of the Earths atmosphere.

1.氯氟烃(chlorofluorocarbons)是氯氟烃(CFC),也就是人们所说的氟利昂。 在现代社会的生产与生活中,氟利昂被广泛地用作电冰箱的制冷剂,用作泡沫 …

2.氟氯碳化物由于氟氯碳化物(CFC)会损害保护地球的臭氧层,人们遂于1990年代起逐步采用氢氟碳化物作为替代品。此外,氟氯碳化物 …

3.氟利昂随着氟利昂(CFC)将于2006年底全面禁用,2005-2006年CFC的替代品继续高速发展,行业面临产业升级的机遇。其行业壁垒 …

4.氯氟碳化合物o)、氯氟碳化合物(cfc)、四氯化碳(ccl4)、一氧化碳(co)等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化。大气质量受 …


6.氟氯化碳测氟氯化碳(CFC)的热解管8高温冷却管340 检测管套帽DTP-1-20 同轴固定衰减器ucl-DTS100100W 连续可调&步进衰减器80…

7.含氯氟烃(chlorofluorocarbon)- 含氯氟烃(CFC)、含氢氯氟烃(HCFC)、含氢氟烃(HFC)、碳氢化合物(HC) - 气体放电管, - 表面积大于 100 平方 …

8.商品共同基金(Common Fund for Commodities)建设国际商品共同基金(CFC)有机茶生产、发展和贸易项目示范基地1个(CFC有机茶生产、发展和贸易项目示范基地全中国 …


1.In comparison with pitium, CFC seems to be a better tool which possesses more advantages for young groundwater dating at present.与氚相比,CFC是目前年轻地下水测年更好的工具,具有更多的优越性。

2.The HFA inhalers also have encountered resistance because some asthmatics insist that they do not work as well as the CFC variety.但氢氟烷烃式吸入器也同样遭遇阻力,因为有些气喘患者坚信它的效果不如氟氯碳化物式产品。

3.So one of the more effective efficiency programs I've seen in recent times was the CFC-Free, Super-Efficient Refrigerator Program.因此,我近年来看到的比较有效的提高能效的项目之一,就是这个无氟高效节能电冰箱项目(CFC-Free,Super-EfficientRefrigeratorProgram)。

4.The tank shall be totally encased in a metal jacket and insulated with a non-CFC foam to reduce stand-by heat loss.应该采用金属外壳将热水炉内胆完全包裹起来,并配置非氯氟烃泡沫加以绝缘隔热,以减少热量损失。

5.If anyone were to contact the any jurisdiction in the US, UK, HK and China, please mention both CFC. com and Ziyi Zhang foundation.假设有人联络美国,英国,香港或者中国的司法管辖,请提一下CFC盗版组织,和子怡基金的问题。

6.They also run out suddenly without the waning experienced with a CFC inhaler, which warns users that the device is running low.它们还会在没有预警下突然用罄,不像氟氯碳化式的吸入器会逐渐减弱,警告用户该装置内已所剩无几。

7.Chlorine from chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC's, is responsible for despoying part of the ozone layer over Antarctica.氯氟化碳一旦进人上层大气,就会与臭氧发生反应,从而破坏臭氧层。

8.If the CFC phaseout proceeds on schedule, the atmosphere should start repairing itself by the year 2000, say scientists.科学家表示,如果淘汰氟利昂制冷剂能按照进度达成,到2000年时大气层应能开始自我修复。

9.Drugs should get cheaper thanks to an auction system devised by the CFC for Mexico's social-security institute.由于墨西哥联邦竞争委员会(CFC)为墨西哥社会保障机构设计(或策划)的一个拍卖系统,药品应该便宜点。

10.The most spaightforward way to do so would be to tighten up conpolled-foreign-corporation (CFC) rules.最直接了当的办法是加强受控外国公司规则。