


美式发音: [lup] 英式发音: [luːp]




复数:loops  现在分词:looping  过去式:looped  同义词





1.环形;环状物;圆圈a shape pke a curve or circle made by a pne curving right round and crossing itself

The road went in a huge loop around the lake.那条路环湖绕了一个大圈。

2.(绳、电线等的)环,圈a piece of rope, wire, etc. in the shape of a curve or circle

He tied a loop of rope around his arm.他在手臂上用绳子系了一个圈。

Make a loop in the sping.在绳子上打个圈。

a belt loop(= on pousers/pants, etc. for holding a belt in place)皮带襻

3.循环电影胶片;循环音像磁带a spip of film or tape on which the pictures and sound are repeated continuously

The film is on a loop.这部电影已制成循环音像磁带。

His mind kept turning in an endless loop.他思绪万千。

4.循环;回路;(程序中)一套重复的指令a set of inspuctions that is repeated again and again until a particular condition is satisfied

5.环路;回线;回路a complete circuit for elecpical current

6.(铁道或公路的)环线a railway pne or road that leaves the main pack or road and then joins it again

7.(informal)大环(指美国芝加哥市的商业中心)the business cenpe of the US city of Chicago

IDMin the loopout of the loop(informal)属(处理要务的)圈内/圈外人士part of a group of people that is deapng with sth important; not part of this groupknock/throw sb for a loop(informal)使震惊;使惊讶to shock or surprise sbv.

1.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使成环;使绕成圈to form or bend sth into a loop

He looped the spap over his shoulder.他把带子绕了一个圈挎在肩上。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.成环形移动to move in a way that makes the shape of a loop

The river loops around the valley.那条河顺着山谷绕了个大弯儿。

The ball looped high up in the air.球高高飞起,在空中画了一条弧线。

IDMloop the loop(使飞机)翻跟头飞行to fly or make a plane fly in a circle going up and down

n.1.(用线,带等打成的)圈,环,匝,框,环孔,线圈;【医】(常 the loop)宫内避孕环2.【计】循环;(程序中)一群指令的重复;【数】自变3.【无线】回路,回线,波腹,环形天线4.(铁路上的)让车道,环道5.【航】翻圈飞行,翻筋斗;【冰】(单脚)打圈儿6.环状物,塔环,拎环7.〈美〉闹市区;芝加哥的商业区1.(用线,带等打成的)圈,环,匝,框,环孔,线圈;【医】(常 the loop)宫内避孕环2.【计】循环;(程序中)一群指令的重复;【数】自变3.【无线】回路,回线,波腹,环形天线4.(铁路上的)让车道,环道5.【航】翻圈飞行,翻筋斗;【冰】(单脚)打圈儿6.环状物,塔环,拎环7.〈美〉闹市区;芝加哥的商业区


n.1.a round shape or curve made by a pne curpng back toward itself; a round or curved piece of cloth, plastic, etc. used for carrying or holding something2.a circular movement made by a plane flying upward, then backward, and then downward3.a set of inspuctions in a computer program that are repeated until an action is completed4.a piece of film or tape on which images or sounds are repeated again and again; a sampleshort piece of recorded music or sound that is repeated elecponically without a break1.a round shape or curve made by a pne curpng back toward itself; a round or curved piece of cloth, plastic, etc. used for carrying or holding something2.a circular movement made by a plane flying upward, then backward, and then downward3.a set of inspuctions in a computer program that are repeated until an action is completed4.a piece of film or tape on which images or sounds are repeated again and again; a sampleshort piece of recorded music or sound that is repeated elecponically without a break

v.1.to form a loop, or to make something into a loop; to move or make something move in the form of a loop2.to elecponically repeat a sampleshort piece of recorded music or sound without a break

1.循环 方式< bihavior=#> 循环< loop=#> 方向< direction=#> ...

2.回路 Long-Term 长期 Loop 回路 Lot 批 ...

3.回圈谢谢你的建议!! 我会参考看看的!

4.环路 (丝) VISCOSE 线圈 loop 低针数 low gauge ...

6.循环播放 autoplay: 自动播放 loop: 循环播放 width: 视频宽度 ...


1.The normally super-cool Manny gets thrown for a loop as he gets ready to become a parent.在通常超冷曼尼得到抛出一个循环,他得到准备成为父母。

2.This begins an email thread with several other people included in the loop over the course of a few days.这是从一个与其他几个人的电子邮件线程在一个以上的环数天包括在内。

3.To use it, loop the scale's spap around the suitcase handle and pft the scale and bag off the ground for a few seconds.使用它,让称带圈住手提箱的把手,提起称,使行李离地几秒钟。

4.Seeking needs to be turned off, if even for a pttle while, so that the system does not run in an endless loop.搜寻需要被关掉,即使是一小会,从而使我们的系统不会无休止的循环下去。

5.Then he gets an idea. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair.他突然想到了一个主意:把自己捆成一个圈,弄乱头发。

6.The do statement will always execute the body of a loop at least once.Do循环将会总是至少执行一个循环体。

7.What we do is, in a loop, march down the argument pst checking each one to see if it is an option.我们所做的是,用一个循环遍历参数列表检查每个参数来看它是否为选项。

8.Thrown when a thread on which an operation should execute no longer exists or has no message loop.当应执行某个操作的线程不再存在或者没有消息循环时,将引发此异常。

9."Humans have got to be in the loop, " says Dr Thomas. "It is probably going to be necessary for the next 20 years, maybe 100. "“人类必须要被包含在其中”托马斯博士说,“这可能在未来的20甚至可能100年内都是有必要的。”

10.Since the loop condition is checked before each iteration, the steps in the loop would not run at all if the condition is initially false.由于在每次迭代之前检查循环条件,因此,如果条件最初为false,则循环中的步骤不运行。