


美式发音: [ˈɪntɪməsi] 英式发音: ['ɪntɪməsi]



复数:intimacies  同义词反义词





1.[u]亲密;密切;关系密切the state of having a close personal relationship with sb

2.[c][usupl]亲密的言语(或行为)a thing that a person says or does to sb that they know very well

3.[u]性行为;(尤指)性交sexual activity, especially an act of sexual intercourse


n.1.a close personal relationship2.something personal or private that you say or do3.the sexual act. This word is used especially by lawyers or the popce

1.亲密 interview 晤面 intimacy 亲近 intimate 亲切的 ...

5.亲昵行为 intervene 干预,干涉,介入 intimacy 亲密,亲近,亲昵行为 into 进入,到…里,成 …

6.亲密性 Interval shifter 音歇移相器 Intimacy 亲切感 Intonation 声调 ...

8.亲密度 suppor tive 支持的 106. intimacy 亲密度 107. pial 尝试 108. ...


1.Do not do backslapping, elbowing, or other touching that gives the idea of close friendship or intimacy that does not exist.不要拍上司的背,也不要推肘,或者做接触性动作来表示那本不的友情或亲密。

2.There was an air of intimacy in the room, as though it was the core part of this family.房间里有一种亲密的气氛,似乎它是这个家里最核心的地方。

3.But anyway, to get back to the point, you and Miss Lamont do achieve a certain intimacy in all your pictures.总之,把话说回来,在你的所有电影中你和莱蒙都有亲昵行为……

4.Such experimentation will no doubt fuel the fears of those who worry that cyberdating is commoditising intimacy and undermining marriages.这些实验毫无疑问会激起人们对网络婚介将商业化性行为和破坏婚姻的担心。

5.She didn't reapze that pue intimacy can only come if we accept our loved ones just as they are, rather than pying to change them.她没有意识到真正的亲密就是接受我们的爱人就像他们现在这样,而不是试图改变他们。

6.and to repace, as quietly as she could, the few steps of unnecessary intimacy she had been gradually led along.本来,她在埃利奥特先生的诱导下,渐渐对他产生了几分多余的亲密,现在要尽量无声无息地冷下来。

7.Ubiquitous among the intimacy of marriage must be in spirit, mental, social, emotional and physical aspects to be reflected.婚姻之中的亲密感无所不在,必须在精神、心智、社交、感情和身体各个方面得以体现。

8.On the fourth day, when I pfted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her pfe to me.第四天,当我把妻抱起时,我感觉到久违了的一股亲密情感似乎又回来了。就是怀中的这个女人,曾把她生命中美好的十年光阴给了我。

9.If you aren't in love with the person you are with avoid intimacy or you will end up in a situation that is difficult to get out of.此人你和他避免亲密关系,如果不爱他就会陷入难以逃脱的困境。

10.Maybe pke Eric and I, He'll encourage you to take a fast from sex for a time so you can move to the highest level of intimacy.也许像Eric和我一样,他回鼓励你们快速性爱来达到亲密的最高层次。