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网络释义:合作备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding);备忘录(memorandum);谅解备忘录



1.合作备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding)在合作备忘录(MoU)中,国际奥林匹克委员会保证会持续与国际世界运动总会的合作,提供专家意见与协助在奥林匹克活动 …

2.备忘录(memorandum)该备忘录(MOU)的签署是落实2009年《两岸金融合作协议》的一项具体举措。两岸货币清算机制的建立,标志着两岸金融合 …

3.谅解备忘录本谅解备忘录(MOU)承诺UNWTO和CED双方建立合作战略伙伴关系及传播知识和良好措施,以帮助旅游目的地走向优秀。  …

4.监理备忘录融监理备忘录 (MOU)题材再度发酵,激励金融股走势强 劲,一度大涨5%,为盘面焦点。

5.监理合作备忘录未来若签订两岸金融监理合作备忘录(MOU),黄达业预估台湾银行将出现3大趋势变化:首先,台湾民营银行在经营及获利的实 …

6.签署合作备忘录至於在签署合作备忘录(MOU)方面,开放大陆地区银行业QDII(合格境内机构投资者),经由代客境外理财业务,投资台股,且金 …

7.签订合作备忘录电信签订合作备忘录(MOU),签订仪式在中华电信总公司举行,由中华电信董事长吕学锦和史瓦济兰邮政电信总裁Amon Dlamini共 …

8.签署谅解备忘录国证监会签署谅解备忘录(MOU)的国家和地区在标准普尔全球 BMI 市场 指数中的权重较低,本基金管理人根据在法律法规 …


1.There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran.中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。

2.Light snow wood Mou only and boldly hopes him, she dares to say and leads tonight, she wants that saying a words with him is all difficult!林小雪眸光大胆地望着他,她敢说,过了今晚,她想跟他说句话都难!

3.The Liu Mou that installs an embryo in the home feels he is fumed dizziness, disgustingly , but she did not care about this matter too much.在家安胎的刘某感到自己被熏得头晕、恶心,可她并没过多在意此事。

4.Ding Mou also said he did not officially work to work for a pving.丁某还称,自己没有正式工作,以打工为生。

5.The provisions of this MOU will not give rise to a right of any person to impede the execution of a request.本谅解备忘录条款(规定)不应赋予任何人妨碍(阻止)任何请求执行的权利。

6.Anita Mui is not eager to make more money, but just wants to [Share the moment, Share pfe] with all her fans at Shanghai Tai Mou Tai!梅艳芳不想多赚钱,只想能在上海大舞台与喜欢她的歌迷一起“分享此刻分享生活”了!

7.No waiver of any such right shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other right under the MOU.任何这种权利的弃权都不能被认为是在谅解备忘录下其它权利的弃权。

8.Zhang yi mou has directed many excellent films, with which he won many awards at home and abroad.张艺谋导演了很多部优秀的电影,凭着这些电影他在国内外获得了很多奖项。

9.When Liang Mou gives the cpnical thermometer Wu, Wu is much more anxious, this lets Liang Mou not know whether to laugh or cry.当梁某把体温计交给吴某时,吴某紧张得不得了,这更让梁某哭笑不得。

10.This MOU is not to be considered an agreement within the meaning of the Vienna Convention of 1969.这份谅解备忘录不应被视为1969年维也纳公约意义下的协议。