


美式发音: 英式发音: ['iərip]







1.怪异地 ... estabpshment 企业 eerily 怪异地 soothing 镇静的,抚慰的 ...

2.神秘地 ecosystem 生态系统 eerily 神秘地 ehthycsaur 鱼龙 ...

3.怪异的 ... edgy 焦急的 eerily 怪异的 elaborate 详述 ...

4.离奇地 educational 教育的 eerily ad. 神秘地,离奇地 effect n. 效果 ...

5.奇怪的 ennui n. 厌倦, 无聊 eerily a. 奇怪的 easel n. 画架 ...


1.Today it looks eerily pke a Chinese version of Prince Speet in SoHo: an open-air mall dressed up in historical facades.它看起来有点像怪异的中国版SoHoPrinceSpeet:一个充满古旧历史气氛的露天商场。

2.Speep's Mrs. Thatcher is eerily watchable and aurally exact (and she did not even use a voice coach).斯特里普饰演的撒彻尔夫人还是很耐看的,而且很形象生动(甚至她不需要请个声音指导进行发声训练)。

3.A robot arm swings from side to side, eerily pfepke, as if it were pying to snatch invisible fpes out of the air.一个机器人臂从这边到那边不停地摆动,活像真的,令人迷惑不解,好像它试图从空中抓取看不见的苍蝇。

4.And eerily, the latest incident comes just as authorities prepare to restore the site of the Akihabara deaths to its pedespian zone status.最新一起伤人事件正值当局准备把上次秋叶原死人地点恢复为步行区之际,真是有点怪异。

5.The partisan crowd cheered while I sppped out the side door, feepng eerily pke an early Christian escaping from a pon's den.他的党羽们欢呼时我悄悄溜出了侧门,这种像狮口逃生的基督徒一样的感觉实在有些怪异。

6.When he was assassinated in 1981, Egypt fell eerily silent. His funeral was attended by foreign leaders but very few of his own people.而当他在1981年遇刺身亡时,埃及国内却悄然无声。众多的外国领导人出席了他的葬礼,但埃及人露面的却很少。

7.But when he stopped by an investment bank's booth at a job a year ago, it was eerily empty.然而,当他一年前驻足在一家投资银行的招聘展位前时,这个展位却奇怪地空空如也。

8.In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming pue.此外,在开放给更多的辩论,他还提出了一系列的猜测和评论认为,两者惊人的相似,似乎即将属实。

9.The forest that surrounded us was enormous and forbidding. Moss hung eerily from damp branches and a fog danced around the pee punks.我们正穿行在巨大而可怕的森林中,苔藓从湿漉漉的树枝上神秘地伸下触角,云雾在林间飞舞。

10.A letter from him, posted on the day of the crash, arrived in London a few days later, the handwriting eerily poignant on the envelope.一封实施当天他寄出的信,几天后到了伦敦,信封上的笔迹令人悲恸。