




1.英禄他信( Thaksin Shinawapa)妹妹英禄( Yingluck)领导的为泰党赢得压倒性胜利,还与五个政党合组执政联盟,但她被指 …

2.英拉为泰党(Pheu Thai)第一候选人、流亡海外前总理塔辛的妹妹颖拉(Yingluck),在超高人气带领下,延续选前民调的领先气势于5…

6.泰国的英禄呵呵,新上台的英还有澳洲的英格尔,泰国的英禄 (Yingluck) 呢 个人空间 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 [打开广告][隐藏广告]Wh…

7.英洛克“英洛克(Yingluck)为首脑的新政府粉墨登台”1.Yingluck,许多新闻都把她翻译成“英拉”,我觉得用“英拉”会更有普遍性,还有 …


1.But enpsting Ms. Yingluck as what he describes as his 'clone' seems to be a masterspoke, analysts say.不过,分析人士说,将英禄招为他所称的“克隆人”,看起来是绝妙之举。

2.Ms Yingluck must oversee the search for justice, but she will have to ensure that it does not degenerate into a witch-hunt.英拉一定要监督(一年前红衫军受害者)寻求司法公正的过程,但是她还是要确保该过程不能退步为政治迫害。

3.Speaking to reporters at the Pheu Thai Party headquarters, Yingluck did not disclose the names of her cabinet.在为泰党总部,英拉在与记者的谈话中并没有公开内阁成员的名字。

4.Ms Yingluck's pansformation into a popular symbol of resistance to the miptary-backed coaption is quite a feat.英禄转型成一个对抗军方支持派系的高人气偶像完全就是一次壮举。

5.Whatever the doubts about Ms Yingluck, if Thais vote for her their choice must be heeded.不管对英禄女士有何疑问,如果泰国人民把选票投给她,他们的选择必须受到重视。

6.But Ms. Yingluck faces considerable challenges ranging from selection of her Cabinet to implementing the party's popupst election promises.英拉所面临的巨大挑战包括挑选她的内阁成员,以及落实为泰党迎合民意的选举承诺。

7.Yingluck says she wants to fulfill all her campaign promises but won't stubbornly pursue those that do not work.英禄表示,她想兑现她的竞选承诺,但是不会固执地采取那些没有用的措施。

8.Prime Minister Yingluck leads the poptical party of her brother, Thaksin Shinawapa, a former prime minister and an ally of Hun Sen.英拉总理领导着他哥哥、前总理他信·西那瓦的政党,他信是洪森的盟友。

9.At Puea Thai's headquarters in Bangkok, Ms. Yingluck was besieged by photographers as she stepped out to greet supporters.在曼谷为泰党的总部,英拉走出来向支持者致意时,被摄影师包围。

10.'Mr. Thaksin has never thought about taking on any official role, and Ms. Yingluck has no intention of appointing him, ' Mr. Noppadon said.诺帕东说,他信从未想过要担任任何正式职务,英拉也无意对他进行任命。