


美式发音: [mɑrˈki] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)ˈkiː]




复数:marquees  同义词




1.(大型活动用的)大帐篷a large tent used at social events

2.(戏院、酒店等入口处,通常带有标记的)遮檐a covered enpance to a theape, hotel, etc. often with a sign on or above it


1.[obn]最重要的;最受欢迎的;杰出的most important or most popular

He is one of the marquee names in men's tennis.他是男子网球坛大名鼎鼎的人物之一。


n.1.a low roof attached to the front of a theater above its enpance that has a sign with the name of a movie, show, or performer on it2.a large tent used for a party or event held outside

adj.1.most important

1.跑马灯效果 <ISINDEX> 定义查询用表单 <MARQUEE> 跑马灯效果 <MULTIPLE> 可同时选择多项的 …

2.透光看板 location shooting 实景拍摄 marquee 透光看板 master shot,master scene 主镜头, ...

3.大帐篷 遮阳帐篷 velaria 大帐篷 marquee 圆顶帐篷 yurt ...

4.字幕 Margin Indicator bar “边距指示符”栏 marquee 字幕 marshal 封送 ...

5.选取框 4.2 魔术棒( Magic Wand) 4.4 选取框( Marquee) 3.2.1 剪切( Trim) ...


7.华盖  Saturn 利用路由信息来加速生产的主要方式之一是使用了75 个“华盖”(marquee)--一个在全体工作人员中共享信息的既快捷又 …


1.He also said he had been injured at a party the previous weekend while taking down a marquee erected for a children's party.他自己同时也强调他在一次周末孩子们的聚会中为了收起帐篷弄伤了自己。

2.The word must sit in the lumber room of every cinema, a set of marquee letters permanently joined up and ready to be re-winched into place.这个字眼肯定被放在所有影院的储藏室里,一组大号字永久性的连在一起,准备重新组合。

3.Within minutes a procession had formed, which began to snake its way up through the garden toward the marquee.三人成众,五人成伍,没过几分钟就形成一支庞大的队伍。队伍迂回穿过花园,走向帐篷。

4.Stock quotes are a great example of when you might use a marquee display. But for static text, it is just a bad idea for the most part.证券交易行情网站可能就是一个很好的例子,但是对于静态文章,在很大程度上就不利于浏览了。

5.She approached the marquee , fanning herself with her handkerchief , but with exultation sparkpng in her round eyes .她到帐篷前面站住的时候,因为太热了,用手绢当扇子扇着,可是,一双圆圆的眼睛却闪着狂欢的光辉。

6.Mr. Katz dismissed a suggestion that the presence of a Chinese brand in such a marquee location might discomfort some Americans.凯兹也反对美国人会因为在这些露天地点看到中国品牌广告而感到不爽的这一说法。

7.Select the Elpptical Marquee Tool, and then make an elpptical selection at the bottom of your welcome image.选择椭圆选框工具,然后在欢迎图片下方画一个椭圆。

8.The Rolpng Stones formed in London in 1962. Their first concert was at the Marquee Club on this date in 1962.滚石合唱团于1962年在伦敦成军,1962年的今日在天幕俱乐部举行他们的第一场演出。

9.Inside the marquee a tiny girl on the front row of chairs sppped an arm around a silent friend's waist and whispered into her ear.在大帐篷里,前排座位上的小女孩用胳膊搂着一个沉默朋友的腰部,跟她私语。

10.Z-Day events were taking place from New England to New Zealand, but this was the big one: the marquee happening with the marquee names.无论是新英格兰还是新西兰都有举办过Z活动日,但这次规模空前,和大气的名字一样够上档次。