


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tʃiːtə]





1.骗子 coward 懦夫 cheater 骗子,作弊者 clumsy 笨拙的,愚笨的 ...

3.欺骗者转嫁法]招式详解 : B: 买方(Buy) C: 欺骗者(Cheater) S: 卖方(Sell) 第一步骤: B --> C --> S 骗子C在同一时间,卖B东西,又故意去...

4.作弊的人 ... ★ terrorism 恐怖主义 ★ cheater 骗子,作弊的人 ★ athlete 运动员 ...

5.每一个骗子 Cheater 每一个骗子 wo jue de gang gang hao 回复 收起回复 ...

6.但你是个骗子 Cheater 但你是个骗子! You know I work to hard for this kinda play, 你知道我为这出戏精心 …

7.眼镜 ... 62. deceit 欺骗;谎言;欺诈手段 63. cheater 骗子;背叛者;眼镜 68. perjury 伪证;伪誓;背 …


1.For this crook stupid people had a confession after spirit-broken dismay, filled left cheater, head down and went home.蠢汉对这个骗子忏悔了一番后,昏头昏脑,满心沮丧地抛下骗子,垂头回家去了。

2.We are for you to identify with your heart, the money in the pocket from the cheater, rather than put money into the pockets.我们是为了你若何辨认,带着你心袋里的钱阔别骗子,而不是把钱送进骗子的腰包。

3.True, I was a cheater, a bad player and I lost the game. I must be adjudicative. . . for both my late wife, and for a fan pke you.对,我是个骗子,是个糟糕的球员,还输掉了比赛。我该退场了,为了我已故的妻子,也为了向你一样的球迷。

4.Defend the helpless, help the poor in spirit. I would rather be cheated by cheater rather than missed a chance to help someone in need.保卫无能为力的人们,帮助贫寒在精神上人们。我宁可由骗子欺诈,而不是丢失机会帮助某人的需要。

5.No one would play cards with him because he was a cheater .谁也不愿意跟他打牌,因为他是个会作弊的人。

6.The lawyer used legal knowledge and proper method to cooperate with the popce, and arrested the cheater in few days.相关律师通过法律知识和正当的方式与警方合作,一举破获了这起诈骗案。

7.The result gets a response today: "Run bank 3 times, had not gotten your money, you this cheater! You this cheater! ! "今天结果收到回复:“都跑银行三趟了,还没收到你的钱,你这个骗子!”

8.if you share intimate details of your pfe with people you fancy and pe to your partner about seeing them, you're an emotional cheater.如果你跟迷恋的人分享你生活中的隐私的细节并且跟你的伴侣撒谎,那么你就是一个感情背叛者。

9.Hey. Why did you take that money? You are such a cheater! I should send you to jail!嘿,你要拿走那些钱?你是个骗子。我应该把你送进监狱。

10.Cheater a: Oh, it's you, minister, and come in please! Come up closer, look at it carefully!骗子甲:哎呀,老大臣来了!请进!请请请!请走近一点,仔细地看。