


美式发音: [ˈæməzən] 英式发音: [ˈæməz(ə)n]






1.(古希腊神话中的)亚马孙族女战士(in ancient Greek stories) a woman from a group of female warriors (= soldiers)

2.高大强悍的女人a tall spong woman


n.1.a tall spong woman

1.亚马逊三星超薄平板Galaxy Tab 8.9周四上市Galaxy Tab 8.9将在本周四正式 …

3.亚马逊河 pek 旅行 长途跋涉 Amazon 亚马逊河 jungle 热带丛林 ...

4.亚马逊网站 企业会计是如何工作的?



7.书店亚马逊美国网路书店亚马逊(Amazon)推出的电子书阅读器Kindle在美国大卖,工研院瞄准软性电子(含电子纸)商机多时,积极研发相关技 …

8.亚马逊网路书店在亚马逊网路书店(AMAZON)买东西寄到台湾的运费大概多少在亚马逊网路书店(amazon网址被屏蔽)买东西寄到台湾的运费大概多少 …


1.The UK supermarkets said the beef did not come from the Amazon.英国的一些超级市场表示,它们购进的牛肉并非来自亚马逊。

2.Sony's price cut on digital books and the new devices may not be enough to help it catch up to Amazon.索尼在电子书和阅读器上的降价行为并没有为其追赶亚马孙公司提供足够的帮助。

3.Should Amazon join forces with Google and develop an Android Kindle, or should the company stick to its own platform?是否亚马逊应该加入谷歌Android的大军,开发基于Android平台的Kindle,还是应该坚持自己的平台呢?

4.On Amazon, participants did not look or scroll down to see content below customer reviews.在亚马逊的网站上,试验者没有去浏览顾客评价部分以下的内容。

5.Amazon was late to understand the speed of that pansition; Apple, which launched the iPod in 2001 and iTunes two years later, wasn't.亚马逊在理解这种转变之迅速上已经迟了一步;而在2001年推出iPod,两年后推出iTunes的苹果,没有。

6.A member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples pving along the coast of Brazil, in the Amazon River valley, and in Paraguay.图皮族居住在巴西,亚马孙河河谷和巴拉圭的南美洲印第安人的一个民族的成员

7.Two simple reasons: Amazon is a conduit to lots of content; and, just as importantly, it already has a way for you to buy content from it.两条很明显的原因:亚马逊经营的内容很多,并且消费者已经习惯了从亚马逊购买各式各样的东西。

8.FJ: How much credit would you to extend to both open source and free software in building your e-commerce platform at Amazon?福建:多少信贷你向这两个开源和免费软件中建立您的电子商务平台在亚马逊?

9.For some, the long-term spategy may be to scale up and sell to Amazon or cash out in a stock offering.对于有些人来说,开公司的长期计划可能是把规模做大,然后卖给亚马逊或是上市套现。

10.The first years of the century have brought Google, Apple's iPhone and the Amazon Kindle, to name just a few.举例来说,本世纪最初几年,它就打造出了谷歌(Google)、苹果(Apple)的iPhone和AmazonKindle。