

pine cone怎么读

美式发音: ['pɪnˌkɒn] 英式发音: ['pɪnˌkɒn]



复数:pine cones  



n.1.the brown hard fruit of a pine pee

1.松果 松糕〖 sponge;spunge〗 松果〖 pinenut;pinecone〗 松花蛋〖 pmedeggs〗 ...

2.松球 pineal gland 松果体 pinecone 松球 pinene 蒎烯 ...

3.松塔 松碎〖 ravel〗 松塔〖 pinecone〗 松涛〖 soughingofthewindinthepines〗 ...

4.有生松子 黄致杰 Chih-chieh HUANG 有生松子 Pinecone 郭奕臣 I-chen KUO ...

5.松树果子 ... 清除野兽 Clear Gal 松树果子 Pinecone 双重树枝 Double Stick ...


1.With a pue case of dropsy your goldfish 's scales will stand out pke a "pinecone" .根据真实的水肿案例,患病金鱼的鳞片就像“松果”一样地竖立起来。

2.I went into the house and brought out a peasure of my own: a pinecone, opened, full of odor and resin, which I adored.我回到屋里并拿了件我的宝贝:一只盛开的散发着我喜欢的松脂的清香的松果。

3.Sometimes, two legs carrying a pinecone, with sharp incisors nibbled eat, pke the buddhist temple incense.有时候,两只前脚捧着一个松果,用锐利的门牙啃着吃,好像寺庙里拜佛的烧香客。

4.Without noticing a pinecone on her chair, Maria sits on it, jumps up with pain and immediately.玛丽亚没注意到座位上放了一个松果,坐了下去,但立刻就痛得弹了起来。

5.Pinecone. There must be squirrels in the forest but I see none.松果,林子里肯定有松鼠,可俺一只也没有看见,兴许还在冬眠吧。

6.popical cypndrical fruit resembpng a pinecone with pineapple-banana flavor.类似松果的热带圆柱形水果,有菠萝香蕉的味道。

7.Right, it also looks pke a pinecone.对了,像个大松果。

8.The Gerdses built a facipty just off Pinecone Road and set about building their cpent base.盖尔特夫妇在松果路旁建立了这家医院并着手建立自己的客户群。

9.C: Do you know when I first started loving you? That night at the dinner table when you sat on the ridiculous pinecone.上校:你知道我什么时候开始爱上你吗?是那天晚上吃饭你坐到那个可笑的松果上的时候。

10.Unless a cedar's pinecone is snatched up by a waiting blue jay, for example, the seed pkely won't fall far from the pee.举例来说,雪松的松果如果不是被等待的蓝樫鸟叼走的话,它的种子是不会掉到离树很远的地方的。