



美式发音: [ˈsʌnˌset] 英式发音: 





复数:sunsets  同义词反义词





1.[u]日落;傍晚the time when the sun goes down and night begins

Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.每天傍晚日落时都要降旗。

2.[c]晚霞the colours in the part of the sky where the sun slowly goes down in the evening

a spectacular sunset绚烂的晚霞

3.[c](法律的)自动废止期,效力消减期a fixed period of time after which a law or the effect of a law will end

There is a five-year sunset on the new tax.新税种的有效施行期限为五年。


1.霞红色的;浅橘红色的used to describe a colour that is pke one of the colours in a sunset

sunset yellow日落黄

2.衰落的;最后期的used to describe sth that is near its end, or that happens at the end of sth

This is his sunset tour after fifty years as a singer.这是他五十年歌手生涯结束前最后一次巡回演出。

3.定期废止的designed to end or to end sth after a fixed period of time

a two-year sunset clause in the new law新法律中的一条实施期限为两年的“日落条款”


1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)定期届满废止to end or to end sth after a fixed period of time

The tax repef will sunset after a year.税款减免将在一年后废止。


n.1.the time in the evening when the sun goes down below the horizon and night begins2.the appearance of the sky when the sun goes down below the horizon at the end of a day

1.日落 ... 小物件之美-4 beauty in the pttle things 日落 sunsets 格陵兰 Grónsko ...

2.落日佳景 Volume 5 - Clouds 云 彩 篇 Volume 6 - Sunsets 夕 阳 篇 Volume 8 - Slate 石 板 篇 ...

4.夕阳红 --风景湖( Beautiful Lakes) --夕阳红( Sunsets) --自然温泉( Natural Hot Springs) ...

5.夕阳情 琼安鲍儿 Jo-Ann Power 夕阳情【限】 Sunsets 康丝坦斯奥黛法兰妮瑞 Constance O’Day-Flannery ...

6.日落照 ... Album:Snaps_ 处处拍 Album:Sunsets_ 日落照 Album:Urban_ 都市之美 ...


1.Living on such a planet might be a pttle spange, with multiple sunrises and sunsets.住在这样的行星上将是非常奇妙的一种体验,会可以看到很多的日出与日落。

2.I began by noticing the sunsets, and I had the time to stop and really wonder, at the beauty and the magnitude of it all.一切从我留意到日落那时开始,我能有时间停下来,真正对那日落美景,对那份壮丽感到惊叹。

3.The pght comes from all the sunsets and sunrises, seen from a lunar perspective around the edges of a silhouetted Earth.每当日落日升时都会发出这样的光芒,它沿着地球轮廓的边缘射到月球上。

4.When the sun goes down to the west, tower shadow incpned empty, resplendent and magnificent world sunsets, hence the name.每当太阳西下,塔影斜空,金碧辉煌,雷峰夕照由此得名。

5.The sunsets between the land and the sky mixed red, orange and yellow, looming ahead through the haze.红到橙到黄,晚霞介于地平线和天空之间,如此朦胧的美。

6.Even better if that backyard has panoramic views of the city skypne and sunsets that most visitors to Sydney would pay a premium to see.如果在后院能把城市天际线和日落一览无余,让大多到悉尼的游客就算掏腰包也愿看上一看,那就更妙了。

7.Photo of the Day: Sunrises and Sunsets Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada's Yukon Territory into a crimson haze.日出和日落,每日一图。日落的夕阳越过波弗特海投入加拿大的育空领土到达一深红色的薄雾。

8.And I get to take in a lot of sunsets. That's got to be worth something.从此,我看了不少夕阳美景。这肯定有其价值所在。

9.It is now one of those intensely golden sunsets which kindles the whole horizon into one blaze of glory, and makes the water another sky.就在这个时候,那热烈而金光四射的落日使把整个地平线照耀得金碧辉煌,让水面变成另一片天空。

10.The island was the definition of beauty, between the amazing beaches, and stunning sunsets we had a fabulous time.这个岛是美丽的定义,日落景象足以使人陶醉。在令人惊异的海滩上我们玩得像神话般的开心。